Stories from the Verse

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In Version

With permission from Valdron Inc, we have successfully presented seven previous Multiverser novels in serialized format.  In them we have followed the adventures of now half a dozen primary verser characters--Joseph Wade Kondor, Lauren Elizabeth Meyers Hastings, Robert Elvis Slade, Derek Jacob Brown, James Donald Beam, and Tomiko Takano--plus perhaps twice as many associated characters, as they travel from universe to universe, trying to survive, make homes for themselves, and frequently make a difference in the worlds they visit.  You can learn more about those characters from their character sheets in the novels' support site, Multiverser Novel Support Pages, where there are Multiverser game-style character sheets for major characters in the novels, to be expanded gradually over time.  Even better, you can read their stories in the books, still posted on the web:

  1. Verse Three, Chapter One:  The First Multiverser Novel;
  2. Old Verses New;
  3. For Better or Verse;
  4. Spy Verses;
  5. Garden of Versers;
  6. Versers Versus Versers;
  7. Re Verse All.
  8. In Verse Proportion.
  9. Con Verse Lea.
  10. and the tenth, In Version
  11. and now starting the eleventh, Con Version.

If you haven't read the first nine books, they're not essential; as we bring you the tenth novel, In Version, it is in a sense a complete story in itself, and while continuing the stories of those characters it is also a discrete book despite being part of a longer story.  On the other hand, the first nine books are free and easily accessed by anyone who can get here, so you can't complain that you wish you'd read them first if you don't.

When I had started writing this book, Eric R. Ashley, who had independently written several books some of which were built on the Multiverser cosmology, and played the game with me and with many others, reminded me that I had mentioned possibly collaborating at some point, and as I was a bit uncertain how I was going to proceed with some of the storylines here I invited him to do so on this one.  The point at which he joined the effort is recorded in the behind-the-writings posts, but since he contributed to editing all the way through it is almost moot.

For the reasons discussed on the indexing page of that first novel, we've chosen this format.  Below are two columns, the one on the left listing all the chapters published so far in sequence--the sequence in which they are published as well as the sequence in which they appear in the book.  The right hand column reverses the order, such that the first chapter listed there is the most recently published one, the last chapter currently available.  That way if you've just discovered the book you can begin with chapter one and work your way down the left hand side, but if you've been reading regularly you can immediately go to the latest installment by hitting the top of the right column.  Again each chapter is on its own web page, with a link near the top to the previous chapter and, once it is published, a link at the bottom to the next one, plus links back to this page to help you navigate.  You'll have to keep track of your place, but that shouldn't be too difficult--I'm including a blurb with each chapter that should help you remember what you've read.  To be first to hear of new publications, support my Patreon campaign, or follow me in social media.

Again I have collected some "behind the writings" materials, which will be published on the mark Joseph "young" web log and listed and linked here.  These are quite replete with spoilers, so you might want to delay reading them until you're well past the chapters they discuss, but quite a few readers have found them interesting.  One has told me he is not much of a book reader but loves reading about creative process, and thus the posts on how it was created are to him more interesting than the story itself.  I do hope you find the story interesting, but I admit that the behind-the-writings posts interest me as well.

Credit should be given.  The above image was based again on the cover of the first novel, which was created by Valdron art director Dimitrios "Jim" Denaxas, with reference to previous covers I devised by modifying that original image and with Kyler C. B. Young's help on the fifth.  The images on the individual pages were done by me usually by compositing images gleaned from the Internet which were said to be free for commercial use (I'm not sure this is commercial use, but I'm not sure it is not, so I'm not taking a risk there) with elements of some previous images some done by Eric York for the first novel and occasionally snippets from images by Jim and Multiverser artist William "Bill" Kozak; I again added the lettering in all cases.  Eric and I did all the editing.  Kyler is also responsible in significant part for the creation of the major characters in the James Beam stories.

Chapter 1:  Slade 214, in which Bob reviews recent events and their current situation.
Chapter 2:  Beam 158, in which James and his crew seek a defensible position.
Chapter 3:  Kondor 223, in which Joe and Zeke discuss alien communications and detection.
Chapter 4:  Brown 246, in which Derek deals with deciphering the alien language.
Chapter 5:  Beam 159, in which in which James discusses with Sophia their new relationship status.
Chapter 6:  Slade 215, in which Bob introduces his swordsmanship class to revolvers.
Chapter 7:  Beam 160, in which Beam considers how to defend their new shelter.
Chapter 8:  Kondor 224, in which Joe meets with Derek, Bob, and others to discuss what the aliens appear to be doing.
Chapter 9:  Brown 247, in which Derek asks Vashti why they are here.
Chapter 10:  Beam 161, in which James and his team prepare to repel zombies.
Chapter 11:  Slade 216, in which Slade assesses the combat readiness of his trainees.
Chapter 12:  Beam 162, in which James learns what it takes to kill a zombie.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #476:  Versers Deduce, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, starting the book by covering chapters 1 through 12.
Chapter 13:  Kondor 225, in which Joe finds another plausible explanation for the alien presence.
Chapter 14:  Beam 163, in which while exploring the kitchen of their new home James and Sophia find a strange cookbook.
Chapter 15:  Brown 248, in which Derek explains databases to Vashti.
Chapter 16:  Slade 217, in which Bob learns a combat trick from a parakeet.
Chapter 17:  Beam 164, in which James deals with sleeping arrangements in their new home.
Chapter 18:  Brown 249, in which Derek encounters intruders in the hangar.
Chapter 19:  Slade 218, in which Bob chases Derek chasing a thief.
Chapter 20:  Kondor 226, in which Joe and Zeke rush to bring medical aid to Derek.
Chapter 21:  Beam 165, in which James lets Ashleigh lead the way into the basement.
Chapter 22:  Slade 219, in which Bob catches the thieves.
Chapter 23:  Brown 250, in which Derek is examined by Doctor Kondor.
Chapter 24:  Beam 166, in which Beam examines a zombie trap.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #478:  Character Conflicts, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, continuing with chapters 13 through 24.
Chapter 25:  Kondor 227, in which Joe and Zeke question the thieves.
Chapter 26:  Brown 251, in which Derek works out alien longitude.
Chapter 27:  Slade 220, in which Bob stretches, practices, and learns about nerve strikes the hard way.
Chapter 28:  Beam 167, in which James persuades Sophia and Ashleigh to sleep three in the same bed.
Chapter 29:  Kondor 228, in which Joe's day includes using the mace to spar with Slade's swordbirds.
Chapter 30:  Beam 168, in which James' team faces a second batch of tracking zombies.
Chapter 31:  Slade 221, in which Bob considers the progress made in preparations.
Chapter 32:  Brown 252, in which Derek detects a countdown.
Chapter 33:  Kondor 229, in which Joe alerts the dean about the countdown, and Derek sends a message to the aliens.
Chapter 34:  Beam 169, in which James' team produces roast beef for lunch.
Chapter 35:  Slade 222, in which Derek communicates with the aliens.
Chapter 36:  Kondor 230, in which Joe resolves a diplomatic issue.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #480:  Versers Think, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, continuing with chapters 25 through 36.
Chapter 37:  Slade 223, in which Bob worries about the potentially impending war.
Chapter 38:  Brown 253, in which Derek and Joe discuss potential alien strategies.
Chapter 39:  Beam 170, in which Sophia sets a condition.
Chapter 40:  Brown 254, in which Derek discusses alternatives with the aliens.
Chapter 41:  Kondor 231, in which Joe gathers the versers for a planning session.
Chapter 42:  Beam 171, in which James and Bron attack Zombies with bricks.
Chapter 43:  Slade 224, in which Bob states his strategy, and the others work around him.
Chapter 44:  Brown 255, in which Derek and Vashti pack up and leave.
Chapter 45:  Slade 225, in which the aliens arrive.
Chapter 46:  Beam 172, in which Ashleigh and Bron give James a way to remove the bodies.
Chapter 47:  Kondor 232, in which Joe treats enemy injuries.
Chapter 48:  Brown 256, in which Derek examines some alien devices.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #482:  Versers Engage, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, continuing with chapters 37 through 48.
Chapter 49:  Beam 173, in which James moves to the master bedroom, and his wives respond differently.
Chapter 50:  Slade 226, in which decisions are made in the aftermath of the battle.
Chapter 51:  Kondor 233, in which the versers and parakeets repel an alien commando attack.
Chapter 52:  Beam 174, in which James's crew removes the bodies.
Chapter 53:  Brown 257, in which Derek attends a parakeet funeral.
Chapter 54:  Slade 227, in which aliens launch an aerial attack on the campus.
Chapter 55:  Kondor 234, in which Joe recuperates.
Chapter 56:  Beam 175, in which James begins preparing his team for another zombie encounter.
Chapter 57:  Slade 228, in which Bob tries to explain prayer to Joe.
Chapter 58:  Brown 258, in which the versers and birds prepare for the next battle.
Chapter 59:  Kondor 235, in which Joe and Zeke decide on sniper positions for the next battle.
Chapter 60:  Brown 259, in which Derek teaches the others to operate a spaceship, and learns an escape route.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #484:  Characters Maneuver, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, continuing with chapters 49 through 60.
Chapter 61:  Beam 176, in which James and his companions experience an unusual zombie encounter.
Chapter 62:  Slade 229, in which Bob and Derek fly saucers in a direct attack on the aliens.
Chapter 63:  Kondor 236, in which Joe and Zeke repel attacking flying saucers.
Chapter 64:  Brown 260, in which Derek and Bob fight their way across a hangar and down a corridor.
Chapter 65:  Beam 177, in which James and his team confront genetically enhanced bears.
Chapter 66:  Slade 230, in which Bob and Shella and Derek and Vashti are elevated.
Chapter 67:  Brown 261, in which although interrupted in its journey the elevator reaches Derek's floor.
Chapter 68:  Kondor 237, in which Kondor says a wistful goodbye to the other versers.
Chapter 69:  Slade 231, in which Bob fights his way to the bridge.
Chapter 70:  Brown 262, in which Derek takes over the ship.
Chapter 71:  Slade 232, in which Bob demands the surrender of the bridge crew.
Chapter 72:  Brown 263, in which Derek issues an ultimatum.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #487:  A World in Space, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, continuing with chapters 61 through 72.
Chapter 73:  Beam 178, in which James is seeing stars.
Chapter 74:  Kondor 238, in which Joe and Zeke see a very large shooting star.
Chapter 75:  Brown 264, in which Derek and Vashti exit to a familiar unfamiliar place.
Chapter 76:  Slade 233, in which Bob and Derek look for information about their new world.
Chapter 77:  Beam 179, in which while going down James chooses to go down.
Chapter 78:  Kondor 239, in which Joe is contacted by a familiar stranger.
Chapter 79:  Brown 265, in which Derek and Bob strike a bargain with some intelligent seaweed.
Chapter 80:  Slade 234, in which Bob discusses the rules of the test match.
Chapter 81:  Beam 180, in which James makes camp in a wood by a lake on a spaceship.
Chapter 82:  Kondor 240, in which Joe and Zeke discuss responding to an unnatural disaster.
Chapter 83:  Brown 266, in which Derek watches Bob fight a test match against a Dvander.
Chapter 84:  Beam 181, in which Beam passes the night into the next mornimg aboard the ship.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #489:  Battle Worlds, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, continuing with chapters 73 through 84.
Chapter 85:  Kondor 241, in which Joe and Zeke outline their disaster relief plans.
Chapter 86:  Slade 235, in which Bob watches Derek fight a test match.
Chapter 87:  Brown 267, in which Derek, Vashti, Bob, and Shella are delivered to their new apartments.
Chapter 88:  Beam 182, in which James is confronted by the indigenous aliens.
Chapter 89:  Slade 236, in which Bob and Derek consider the purpose of the gladiator games.
Chapter 90:  Kondor 242, in which Joe and Zeke ride the rails.
Chapter 91:  Beam 183, in which James gets briefed on the military and command situation.
Chapter 92:  Brown 268, in which Derek works out how to order food.
Chapter 93:  Kondor 243, in which Joe's rescue mission is stalled.
Chapter 94:  Slade 237, in which Bob buys a knife for Derek.
Chapter 95:  Beam 184, in which James confronts Acting Captain Norax.
Chapter 96:  Brown 269, in which Derek meets Ystrang and the Ickthoi.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #491:  Verser Ventures, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, continuing with chapters 85 through 96.
Chapter 97:  Kondor 244, in which Joe and Zeke deliver aid to a second town.
Chapter 98:  Slade 238, in which Bob wonders what comes after Ragnorak.
Chapter 99:  Beam 185, in which James obtains the allegiance of Lieutenant Commander Malacon.
Chapter 100:  Brown 270, in which Derek and Vashti attend a party in the clouds.
Chapter 101:  Kondor 245, in which Joe and Zeke telekinetically unbury a trapped bird.
Chapter 102:  Slade 239, in which Bob and Derek ask Kelp 1942 about war.
Chapter 103:  Beam 186, in which James gives himself access to Seeker's control systems.
Chapter 104:  Brown 271, in which Derek and Bob face their first day of armed competition fights.
Chapter 105:  Kondor 246, in which having rescued a bird from the rubble Joe treats its injuries.
Chapter 106:  Slade 240, in which Bob and Derek arrive at the Imperial Arena.
Chapter 107:  Beam 187, in which Beam announces his authority to the entire ship.
Chapter 108:  Brown 272, in which Derek fights a parakeet.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #493:  Verser Engagements, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, continuing with chapters 97 through 108.
Chapter 109:  Kondor 247, in which Joe spots a drowned spaceship.
Chapter 110:  Slade 241, in which Bob fights an axe-weilding Tso.
Chapter 111:  Beam 188, in which an alien officer challenges James' claims.
Chapter 112:  Brown 273, in which Vashti reports having been approached by a fight fixer.
Chapter 113:  Kondor 248, in which Joe and Zeke lift a spaceship out of the ocean.
Chapter 114:  Slade 242, in which Bob and Shella and Derek and Vashti agree to go out to dinner together.
Chapter 115:  Beam 189, in which James plans to take control of the combat robots.
Chapter 116:  Brown 274, in which Derek and Bob are invited to an imperial palace party.
Chapter 117:  Slade 243, in which Bob sneezes at the party.
Chapter 118:  Kondor 249, in which Joe recognizes a connection between charity and churches.
Chapter 119:  Beam 190, in which James assures the aliens that the killer robot problem is being addressed.
Chapter 120:  Brown 275, in which Derek and Vashti are accosted at the party.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #494:  Warring Worlds, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, continuing with chapters 109 through 120.
Chapter 121:  Beam 191, in which James watches a video of little green soldiers attacking combat robots in his name.
Chapter 122:  Kondor 250, in which Joe addresses a problem with a train trestle.
Chapter 123:  Slade 244, in which Bob and Derek leave the party.
Chapter 124:  Beam 192, in which James discusses his next move with his team.
Chapter 125:  Brown 276, in which Derek faces his first chombito opponent.
Chapter 126:  Kondor 251, in which has to cross a train trestle twice.
Chapter 127:  Slade 245, in which the kelp express concerns to Bob about fight fixing.
Chapter 128:  Beam 193, in which James discusses the future of the ship with his senior staff.
Chapter 129:  Brown 277, in which Derek encounters a super-psionic Tivoci and fights an Anders martial artist.
Chapter 130:  Kondor 252, in which Joe communicates with alien captives.
Chapter 131:  Slade 246, in which Bob and Derek talk about special abilities with Kelp 1492.
Chapter 132:  Beam 194, in which James is informed of a potential backup bridge.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #495:  World Crises, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, continuing with chapters 121 through 132.
Chapter 133:  Brown 278, in which Derek takes a break to visit a water park.
Chapter 134:  Kondor 253, in which Joe recruits a language professor to develop a translation of the alien language.
Chapter 135:  Slade 247, in which Slade fights a snake-like creature.
Chapter 136:  Beam 195, in which James has a final confrontation with Norax.
Chapter 137:  Brown 279, in which Derek believes his opponent has used psionics.
Chapter 138:  Slade 248, in which Bob faces a fat fencing master.
Chapter 139:  Kondor 254, in which Joe and Zeke discuss what to invent next.
Chapter 140:  Brown 280, in which Derek is attacked outside his apartment.
Chapter 141:  Slade 249, in which Bob doesn't miss Derek's attackers.
Chapter 142:  Kondor 255, in which Joe rejects demands that he accomplish the impossible.
Chapter 143:  Slade 250, in which Bob and Derek are honored at an awards ceremony.
Chapter 144:  Brown 281, in which Derek meets a new adversary.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #496:  Character Setbacks, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, concluding with chapters 133 through 144.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #496:  Character Setbacks, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, concluding with chapters 133 through 144.
Chapter 144:  Brown 281, in which Derek meets a new adversary.
Chapter 143:  Slade 250, in which Bob and Derek are honored at an awards ceremony.
Chapter 142:  Kondor 255, in which Joe rejects demands that he accomplish the impossible.
Chapter 141:  Slade 249, in which Bob doesn't miss Derek's attackers.
Chapter 140:  Brown 280, in which Derek is attacked outside his apartment.
Chapter 139:  Kondor 254, in which Joe and Zeke discuss what to invent next.
Chapter 138:  Slade 248, in which Bob faces a fat fencing master.
Chapter 137:  Brown 279, in which Derek believes his opponent has used psionics.
Chapter 136:  Beam 195, in which James has a final confrontation with Norax.
Chapter 135:  Slade 247, in which Slade fights a snake-like creature.
Chapter 134:  Kondor 253, in which Joe recruits a language professor to develop a translation of the alien language.
Chapter 133:  Brown 278, in which Derek takes a break to visit a water park.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #495:  World Crises, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, continuing with chapters 121 through 132.
Chapter 132:  Beam 194, in which James is informed of a potential backup bridge.
Chapter 131:  Slade 246, in which Bob and Derek talk about special abilities with Kelp 1492.
Chapter 130:  Kondor 252, in which Joe communicates with alien captives.
Chapter 129:  Brown 277, in which Derek encounters a super-psionic Tivoci and fights an Anders martial artist.
Chapter 128:  Beam 193, in which James discusses the future of the ship with his senior staff.
Chapter 127:  Slade 245, in which the kelp express concerns to Bob about fight fixing.
Chapter 126:  Kondor 251, in which has to cross a train trestle twice.
Chapter 125:  Brown 276, in which Derek faces his first chombito opponent.
Chapter 124:  Beam 192, in which James discusses his next move with his team.
Chapter 123:  Slade 244, in which Bob and Derek leave the party.
Chapter 122:  Kondor 250, in which Joe addresses a problem with a train trestle.
Chapter 121:  Beam 191, in which James watches a video of little green soldiers attacking combat robots in his name.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #494:  Warring Worlds, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, continuing with chapters 109 through 120.
Chapter 120:  Brown 275, in which Derek and Vashti are accosted at the party.
Chapter 119:  Beam 190, in which James assures the aliens that the killer robot problem is being addressed.
Chapter 118:  Kondor 249, in which Joe recognizes a connection between charity and churches.
Chapter 117:  Slade 243, in which Bob sneezes at the party.
Chapter 116:  Brown 274, in which Derek and Bob are invited to an imperial palace party.
Chapter 115:  Beam 189, in which James plans to take control of the combat robots.
Chapter 114:  Slade 242, in which Bob and Shella and Derek and Vashti agree to go out to dinner together.
Chapter 113:  Kondor 248, in which Joe and Zeke lift a spaceship out of the ocean.
Chapter 112:  Brown 273, in which Vashti reports having been approached by a fight fixer.
Chapter 111:  Beam 188, in which an alien officer challenges James' claims.
Chapter 110:  Slade 241, in which Bob fights an axe-weilding Tso.
Chapter 109:  Kondor 247, in which Joe spots a drowned spaceship.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #493:  Verser Engagements, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, continuing with chapters 97 through 108.
Chapter 108:  Brown 272, in which Derek fights a parakeet.
Chapter 107:  Beam 187, in which Beam announces his authority to the entire ship.
Chapter 106:  Slade 240, in which Bob and Derek arrive at the Imperial Arena.
Chapter 105:  Kondor 246, in which having rescued a bird from the rubble Joe treats its injuries.
Chapter 104:  Brown 271, in which Derek and Bob face their first day of armed competition fights.
Chapter 103:  Beam 186, in which James gives himself access to Seeker's control systems.
Chapter 102:  Slade 239, in which Bob and Derek ask Kelp 1942 about war.
Chapter 101:  Kondor 245, in which Joe and Zeke telekinetically unbury a trapped bird.
Chapter 100:  Brown 270, in which Derek and Vashti attend a party in the clouds.
Chapter 99:  Beam 185, in which James obtains the allegiance of Lieutenant Commander Malacon.
Chapter 98:  Slade 238, in which Bob wonders what comes after Ragnorak.
Chapter 97:  Kondor 244, in which Joe and Zeke deliver aid to a second town.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #491:  Verser Ventures, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, continuing with chapters 85 through 96.
Chapter 96:  Brown 269, in which Derek meets Ystrang and the Ickthoi.
Chapter 95:  Beam 184, in which James confronts Acting Captain Norax.
Chapter 94:  Slade 237, in which Bob buys a knife for Derek.
Chapter 93:  Kondor 243, in which Joe's rescue mission is stalled.
Chapter 92:  Brown 268, in which Derek works out how to order food.
Chapter 91:  Beam 183, in which James gets briefed on the military and command situation.
Chapter 90:  Kondor 242, in which Joe and Zeke ride the rails.
Chapter 89:  Slade 236, in which Bob and Derek consider the purpose of the gladiator games.
Chapter 88:  Beam 182, in which James is confronted by the indigenous aliens.
Chapter 87:  Brown 267, in which Derek, Vashti, Bob, and Shella are delivered to their new apartments.
Chapter 86:  Slade 235, in which Bob watches Derek fight a test match.
Chapter 85:  Kondor 241, in which Joe and Zeke outline their disaster relief plans.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #489:  Battle Worlds, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, continuing with chapters 73 through 84.
Chapter 84:  Beam 181, in which Beam passes the night into the next mornimg aboard the ship.
Chapter 83:  Brown 266, in which Derek watches Bob fight a test match against a Dvander.
Chapter 82:  Kondor 240, in which Joe and Zeke discuss responding to an unnatural disaster.
Chapter 81:  Beam 180, in which James makes camp in a wood by a lake on a spaceship.
Chapter 80:  Slade 234, in which Bob discusses the rules of the test match.
Chapter 79:  Brown 265, in which Derek and Bob strike a bargain with some intelligent seaweed.
Chapter 78:  Kondor 239, in which Joe is contacted by a familiar stranger.
Chapter 77:  Beam 179, in which while going down James chooses to go down.
Chapter 76:  Slade 233, in which Bob and Derek look for information about their new world.
Chapter 75:  Brown 264, in which Derek and Vashti exit to a familiar unfamiliar place.
Chapter 74:  Kondor 238, in which Joe and Zeke see a very large shooting star.
Chapter 73:  Beam 178, in which James is seeing stars.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #487:  A World in Space, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, continuing with chapters 61 through 72.
Chapter 72:  Brown 263, in which Derek issues an ultimatum.
Chapter 71:  Slade 232, in which Bob demands the surrender of the bridge crew.
Chapter 70:  Brown 262, in which Derek takes over the ship.
Chapter 69:  Slade 231, in which Bob fights his way to the bridge.
Chapter 68:  Kondor 237, in which Kondor says a wistful goodbye to the other versers.
Chapter 67:  Brown 261, in which although interrupted in its journey the elevator reaches Derek's floor.
Chapter 66:  Slade 230, in which Bob and Shella and Derek and Vashti are elevated.
Chapter 65:  Beam 177, in which James and his team confront genetically enhanced bears.
Chapter 64:  Brown 260, in which Derek and Bob fight their way across a hangar and down a corridor.
Chapter 63:  Kondor 236, in which Joe and Zeke repel attacking flying saucers.
Chapter 62:  Slade 229, in which Bob and Derek fly saucers in a direct attack on the aliens.
Chapter 61:  Beam 176, in which James and his companions experience an unusual zombie encounter.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #484:  Characters Maneuver, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, continuing with chapters 49 through 60.
Chapter 60:  Brown 259, in which Derek teaches the others to operate a spaceship, and learns an escape route.
Chapter 59:  Kondor 235, in which Joe and Zeke decide on sniper positions for the next battle.
Chapter 58:  Brown 258, in which the versers and birds prepare for the next battle.
Chapter 57:  Slade 228, in which Bob tries to explain prayer to Joe.
Chapter 56:  Beam 175, in which James begins preparing his team for another zombie encounter.
Chapter 55:  Kondor 234, in which Joe recuperates.
Chapter 54:  Slade 227, in which aliens launch an aerial attack on the campus.
Chapter 53:  Brown 257, in which Derek attends a parakeet funeral.
Chapter 52:  Beam 174, in which James's crew removes the bodies.
Chapter 51:  Kondor 233, in which the versers and parakeets repel an alien commando attack.
Chapter 50:  Slade 226, in which decisions are made in the aftermath of the battle.
Chapter 49:  Beam 173, in which James moves to the master bedroom, and his wives respond differently.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #482:  Versers Engage, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, continuing with chapters 37 through 48.
Chapter 48:  Brown 256, in which Derek examines some alien devices.
Chapter 47:  Kondor 232, in which Joe treats enemy injuries.
Chapter 46:  Beam 172, in which Ashleigh and Bron give James a way to remove the bodies.
Chapter 45:  Slade 225, in which the aliens arrive.
Chapter 44:  Brown 255, in which Derek and Vashti pack up and leave.
Chapter 43:  Slade 224, in which Bob states his strategy, and the others work around him.
Chapter 42:  Beam 171, in which James and Bron attack Zombies with bricks.
Chapter 41:  Kondor 231, in which Joe gathers the versers for a planning session.
Chapter 40:  Brown 254, in which Derek discusses alternatives with the aliens.
Chapter 39:  Beam 170, in which Sophia sets a condition.
Chapter 38:  Brown 253, in which Derek and Joe discuss potential alien strategies.
Chapter 37:  Slade 223, in which Bob worries about the potentially impending war.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #480:  Versers Think, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, continuing with chapters 25 through 36.
Chapter 36:  Kondor 230, in which Joe resolves a diplomatic issue.
Chapter 35:  Slade 222, in which Derek communicates with the aliens.
Chapter 34:  Beam 169, in which James' team produces roast beef for lunch.
Chapter 33:  Kondor 229, in which Joe alerts the dean about the countdown, and Derek sends a message to the aliens.
Chapter 32:  Brown 252, in which Derek detects a countdown.
Chapter 31:  Slade 221, in which Bob considers the progress made in preparations.
Chapter 30:  Beam 168, in which James' team faces a second batch of tracking zombies.
Chapter 29:  Kondor 228, in which Joe's day includes using the mace to spar with Slade's swordbirds.
Chapter 28:  Beam 167, in which James persuades Sophia and Ashleigh to sleep three in the same bed.
Chapter 27:  Slade 220, in which Bob stretches, practices, and learns about nerve strikes the hard way.
Chapter 26:  Brown 251, in which Derek works out alien longitude.
Chapter 25:  Kondor 227, in which Joe and Zeke question the thieves.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #478:  Character Conflicts, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, continuing with chapters 13 through 24.
Chapter 24:  Beam 166, in which Beam examines a zombie trap.
Chapter 23:  Brown 250, in which Derek is examined by Doctor Kondor.
Chapter 22:  Slade 219, in which Bob catches the thieves.
Chapter 21:  Beam 165, in which James lets Ashleigh lead the way into the basement.
Chapter 20:  Kondor 226, in which Joe and Zeke rush to bring medical aid to Derek.
Chapter 19:  Slade 218, in which Bob chases Derek chasing a thief.
Chapter 18:  Brown 249, in which Derek encounters intruders in the hangar.
Chapter 17:  Beam 164, in which James deals with sleeping arrangements in their new home.
Chapter 16:  Slade 217, in which Bob learns a combat trick from a parakeet.
Chapter 15:  Brown 248, in which Derek explains databases to Vashti.
Chapter 14:  Beam 163, in which while exploring the kitchen of their new home James and Sophia find a strange cookbook.
Chapter 13:  Kondor 225, in which Joe finds another plausible explanation for the alien presence.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #476:  Versers Deduce, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, starting the book by covering chapters 1 through 12.
Chapter 12:  Beam 162, in which James learns what it takes to kill a zombie.
Chapter 11:  Slade 216, in which Slade assesses the combat readiness of his trainees.
Chapter 10:  Beam 161, in which James and his team prepare to repel zombies.
Chapter 9:  Brown 247, in which Derek asks Vashti why they are here.
Chapter 8:  Kondor 224, in which Joe meets with Derek, Bob, and others to discuss what the aliens appear to be doing.
Chapter 7:  Beam 160, in which Beam considers how to defend their new shelter.
Chapter 6:  Slade 215, in which Bob introduces his swordsmanship class to revolvers.
Chapter 5:  Beam 159, in which in which James discusses with Sophia their new relationship status.
Chapter 4:  Brown 246, in which Derek deals with deciphering the alien language.
Chapter 3:  Kondor 223, in which Joe and Zeke discuss alien communications and detection.
Chapter 2:  Beam 158, in which James and his crew seek a defensible position.
Chapter 1:  Slade 214, in which Bob reviews recent events and their current situation.

As to the old stories that have long been here:

Verse Three, Chapter One:  The First Multiverser Novel

Old Verses New

For Better or Verse

Spy Verses

Garden of Versers

Versers Versus Versers

Re Verse All

In Verse Proportion

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