Stories from the Verse

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Con Verse Lea

With permission from Valdron Inc, we have successfully presented seven previous Multiverser novels in serialized format.  In them we have followed the adventures of now half a dozen primary verser characters--Joseph Wade Kondor, Lauren Elizabeth Meyers Hastings, Robert Elvis Slade, Derek Jacob Brown, James Donald Beam, and Tomiko Takano--plus perhaps twice as many associated characters, as they travel from universe to universe, trying to survive, make homes for themselves, and frequently make a difference in the worlds they visit.  You can learn more about those characters from their character sheets in the novels' support site, Multiverser Novel Support Pages, where there are Multiverser game-style character sheets for major characters in the novels, to be expanded gradually over time.  Even better, you can read their stories in the books, still posted on the web:

  1. Verse Three, Chapter One:  The First Multiverser Novel;
  2. Old Verses New;
  3. For Better or Verse;
  4. Spy Verses;
  5. Garden of Versers;
  6. Versers Versus Versers;
  7. Re Verse All.
  8. In Verse Proportion.

If you haven't read the first eight books, they're not essential; as we bring you the ninth novel, Con Verse Lea, it is in a sense a complete story in itself, and while continuing the stories of those characters it is also a discrete book despite being part of a longer story.  On the other hand, the first eight books are free and easily accessed by anyone who can get here, so you can't complain that you wish you'd read them first if you don't.

Having finished posting this ninth book, we also posted the tenth, In Version , and are now starting the eleventh, Con Version. .

For the reasons discussed on the indexing page of that first novel, we've chosen this format.  Below are two columns, the one on the left listing all the chapters published so far in sequence--the sequence in which they are published as well as the sequence in which they appear in the book.  The right hand column reverses the order, such that the first chapter listed there is the most recently published one, the last chapter currently available.  That way if you've just discovered the book you can begin with chapter one and work your way down the left hand side, but if you've been reading regularly you can immediately go to the latest installment by hitting the top of the right column.  Again each chapter is on its own web page, with a link near the top to the previous chapter and, once it is published, a link at the bottom to the next one, plus links back to this page to help you navigate.  You'll have to keep track of your place, but that shouldn't be too difficult--I'm including a blurb with each chapter that should help you remember what you've read.  To be first to hear of new publications, support my Patreon campaign, or follow me in social media.

Again I have collected some "behind the writings" materials, which will be published on the mark Joseph "young" web log and listed and linked here.  These are quite replete with spoilers, so you might want to delay reading them until you're well past the chapters they discuss, but quite a few readers have found them interesting.  One has told me he is not much of a book reader but loves reading about creative process, and thus the posts on how it was created are to him more interesting than the story itself.  I do hope you find the story interesting, but I admit that the behind-the-writings posts interest me as well.

Credit should be given.  The above image was based again on the cover of the first novel, which was created by Valdron art director Dimitrios "Jim" Denaxas, with reference to previous covers I devised by modifying that original image and with Kyler C. B. Young's help on the fifth.  The images on the individual pages were done by me usually by compositing images gleaned from the Internet which were said to be free for commercial use (I'm not sure this is commercial use, but I'm not sure it is not, so I'm not taking a risk there) with elements of some previous images some done by Eric York for the first novel and occasionally snippets from images by Jim and Multiverser artist William "Bill" Kozak; I again added the lettering in all cases.  I did not have an outside editor on this, but I went through a rather rushed read-through editing process over a few days to hone the text.  Kyler is also responsible in significant part for the creation of the major characters in the James Beam stories.

Chapter 1:  Hastings 233, in which Lauren and Tommy begin reorganizing the group in the wake of the loss of James Beam.
Chapter 2:  Beam 118, in which James Beam begins figuring out where he is.
Chapter 3:  Takano 60, in which Lauren fails to summon food but does manage to open the door to the outside.
Chapter 4:  Beam 119, in which James enters a secure storage facility.
Chapter 5:  Hastings 234, in which Lauren finds a way to feed a multitude.
Chapter 6:  Beam 120, in which James accepts a proposal he can't refuse.
Chapter 7:  Takano 61, in which Lauren explains to Tommy the importance of being grateful for the food you have.
Chapter 8:  Beam 121, in which James learns the name of his new wife.
Chapter 9:  Hastings 235, in which Lauren and Tommy practice combat techniques in front of the garage.
Chapter 10:  Beam 122, in which James has to figure out how to get breakfast.
Chapter 11:  Takano 62, in which Tommy watches Lauren organize scouting parties.
Chapter 12:  Beam 123, in which James meets his mother-in-law.
Chapter 13:  Hastings 236, in which Lauren worries.
Chapter 14:  Beam 124, in which James sees a motricycle.
Chapter 15:  Takano 63, in which Tommy considers new graffiti ideas.
Chapter 16:  Beam 125, in which Beam visits a local blacksmith.
Chapter 17:  Hastings 237, in which Lauren gets the report from the first returning exploration team.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #460:  Versers Reorganize, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, covering chapters 1 through 17.
Chapter 18:  Beam 126, in which Beam is vexed by the problem of finding a place to stay.
Chapter 19:  Takano 64, in which Tommy is awakened by the return of the second scout team, who report being attacked by minions of the gods.
Chapter 20:  Beam 127, in which James awakens to discover that Ashleigh is gone.
Chapter 21:  Hastings 238, in which Lauren awaits the report of the third scouting team.
Chapter 22:  Beam 128, in which James tries to ask Ashleigh about the previous night.
Chapter 23:  Takano 65, in which Tommy receives a map when Lauren prays for guidance.
Chapter 24:  Beam 129, in which James discusses his future plans with his father-in-law.
Chapter 25:  Hastings 239, in which Lauren releases water from a pipe.
Chapter 26:  Beam 130, in which James decides to camp and hunt.
Chapter 27:  Takano 66, in which Tommy and Lauren lead the people to the wall, and Tommy worries about crossing it.
Chapter 28:  Beam 131, in which Beam and Ashleigh make a map.
Chapter 29:  Hastings 240, in which Lauren teaches the leaders how to build fires and roast turkey.
Chapter 30:  Beam 132, in which James forcibly moves into shelter for the night.
Chapter 31:  Takano 67, in which Tommy and Lauren lead the people through the gate and into the woods.
Chapter 32:  Beam 133, in which James dramatically and permanently leaves their shelter behind.
Chapter 33:  Hastings 241, in which Lauren finds food, water, and a campsite.
Chapter 34:  Beam 134, in which James finds another place to stay.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #463:  Characters Unsettled, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, covering chapters 18 through 34.
Chapter 35:  Takano 68, in which Lauren leads Tommy and the others into their new campgrounds.
Chapter 36:  Beam 135, in which James explains his decisions and his immediate plans.
Chapter 37:  Hastings 242, in which Lauren begins organizing camp.
Chapter 38:  Takano 69, in which Tommy and Lauren are shown the camp bathrooms and showers.
Chapter 39:  Beam 136, in which James collects bullets and a few rifles.
Chapter 40:  Hastings 243, in which Lauren examines the reported flood.
Chapter 41:  Beam 137, in which James gets ready to go camping.
Chapter 42:  Takano 70, in which Tommy chooses symbols for the men's and women's rooms, and asks Lauren about shelter.
Chapter 43:  Beam 138, in which James has a last meal and leaves their temporary home.
Chapter 44:  Hastings 244, in which Lauren plans her day to include spear fishing and a hot shower.
Chapter 45:  Beam 139, in which Beam and company camp with their new tents.
Chapter 46:  Takano 71, in which Lauren teaches Tommy how to spear a fish.
Chapter 47:  Beam 140, in which James relocates the camp into the woods.
Chapter 48:  Hastings 245, in which Lauren cleans fish and cooks it over an open fire.
Chapter 49:  Beam 141, in which James establishes a routine, and someone breaks it.
Chapter 50:  Takano 72, in which Tommy learns to build a nest.
Chapter 51:  Beam 142, in which James finds Ashleigh's father.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #465:  Characters Wander, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, covering chapters 35 through 51.
Chapter 52:  Takano 73, in which Tommy recognizes her need to read and pray.
Chapter 53:  Beam 143, in which James is warned of an ambush.
Chapter 54:  Hastings 246, in which Lauren is called to preach.
Chapter 55:  Takano 74, in which Tommy is given a Bible.
Chapter 56:  Beam 144, in which James attacks the enemy line.
Chapter 57:  Takano 75, in which Tommy starts reading the Bible.
Chapter 58:  Beam 145, in which James leads Warren out of prison.
Chapter 59:  Hastings 247, in which Lauren receives an unexpected delivery.
Chapter 60:  Beam 146, in which James discusses the next step with Warren.
Chapter 61:  Takano 76, in which Tommy wonders whether she might have performed a miracle.
Chapter 62:  Beam 147, in which James and Warren separate briefly.
Chapter 63:  Hastings 248, in which Lauren ponders expanding the diet.
Chapter 64:  Beam 148, in which James deals with overindulgence.
Chapter 65:  Takano 77, in which Tommy reads her new Bible while cooking.
Chapter 66:  Beam 149, in which James returns to find his wife waiting for him.
Chapter 67:  Hastings 249, in which Lauren ponders leading her first church service.
Chapter 68:  Beam 150, in which James begins planning to extract Amanda.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #470:  Verser Turnings, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, covering chapters 52 through 68.
Chapter 69:  Takano 78, in which Tommy listens as Lauren teaches people about books.
Chapter 70:  Beam 151, in which James and his team extract Amanda.
Chapter 71:  Hastings 250, in which Lauren explains a connection between John and Genesis.
Chapter 72:  Beam 152, in which James reunites family at the cave.
Chapter 73:  Takano 79, in which Tommy becomes more serious about her Bible reading.
Chapter 74:  Beam 153, in which James decides to visit Ashleigh's uncle.
Chapter 75:  Hastings 251, in which Lauren's week passes.
Chapter 76:  Takano 80, in which Tommy passes an educational Sunday.
Chapter 77:  Beam 154, in which James comes to the end of a long day.
Chapter 78:  Takano 81, in which Tommy and Lauren shift with the changing seasons.
Chapter 79:  Hastings 252, in which Lauren worries about the coming winter.
Chapter 80:  Beam 155, in which James fails to anticipate an ambush.
Chapter 81:  Hastings 253, in which Lauren faces a brute.
Chapter 82:  Beam 156, in which James and crew attempt to get reoriented.
Chapter 83:  Takano 82, in which Tommy recognizes Lauren's departure.
Chapter 84:  Beam 157, in which James introduces Sophia to Ashley.
Chapter 85:  Takano 83, in which Tommy ends the story on a note of hope.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #472:  Versers Vanish, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, ending the book by covering chapters 69 through 85.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #472:  Versers Vanish, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, ending the book by covering chapters 69 through 85.
Chapter 85:  Takano 83, in which Tommy ends the story on a note of hope.
Chapter 84:  Beam 157, in which James introduces Sophia to Ashley.
Chapter 83:  Takano 82, in which Tommy recognizes Lauren's departure.
Chapter 82:  Beam 156, in which James and crew attempt to get reoriented.
Chapter 81:  Hastings 253, in which Lauren faces a brute.
Chapter 80:  Beam 155, in which James fails to anticipate an ambush.
Chapter 79:  Hastings 252, in which Lauren worries about the coming winter.
Chapter 78:  Takano 81, in which Tommy and Lauren shift with the changing seasons.
Chapter 77:  Beam 154, in which James comes to the end of a long day.
Chapter 76:  Takano 80, in which Tommy passes an educational Sunday.
Chapter 75:  Hastings 251, in which Lauren's week passes.
Chapter 74:  Beam 153, in which James decides to visit Ashleigh's uncle.
Chapter 73:  Takano 79, in which Tommy becomes more serious about her Bible reading.
Chapter 72:  Beam 152, in which James reunites family at the cave.
Chapter 71:  Hastings 250, in which Lauren explains a connection between John and Genesis.
Chapter 70:  Beam 151, in which James and his team extract Amanda.
Chapter 69:  Takano 78, in which Tommy listens as Lauren teaches people about books.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #470:  Verser Turnings, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, covering chapters 52 through 68.
Chapter 68:  Beam 150, in which James begins planning to extract Amanda.
Chapter 67:  Hastings 249, in which Lauren ponders leading her first church service.
Chapter 66:  Beam 149, in which James returns to find his wife waiting for him.
Chapter 65:  Takano 77, in which Tommy reads her new Bible while cooking.
Chapter 64:  Beam 148, in which James deals with overindulgence.
Chapter 63:  Hastings 248, in which Lauren ponders expanding the diet.
Chapter 62:  Beam 147, in which James and Warren separate briefly.
Chapter 61:  Takano 76, in which Tommy wonders whether she might have performed a miracle.
Chapter 60:  Beam 146, in which James discusses the next step with Warren.
Chapter 59:  Hastings 247, in which Lauren receives an unexpected delivery.
Chapter 58:  Beam 145, in which James leads Warren out of prison.
Chapter 57:  Takano 75, in which Tommy starts reading the Bible.
Chapter 56:  Beam 144, in which James attacks the enemy line.
Chapter 55:  Takano 74, in which Tommy is given a Bible.
Chapter 54:  Hastings 246, in which Lauren is called to preach.
Chapter 53:  Beam 143, in which James is warned of an ambush.
Chapter 52:  Takano 73, in which Tommy recognizes her need to read and pray.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #465:  Characters Wander, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, covering chapters 35 through 51.
Chapter 51:  Beam 142, in which James finds Ashleigh's father.
Chapter 50:  Takano 72, in which Tommy learns to build a nest.
Chapter 49:  Beam 141, in which James establishes a routine, and someone breaks it.
Chapter 48:  Hastings 245, in which Lauren cleans fish and cooks it over an open fire.
Chapter 47:  Beam 140, in which James relocates the camp into the woods.
Chapter 46:  Takano 71, in which Lauren teaches Tommy how to spear a fish.
Chapter 45:  Beam 139, in which Beam and company camp with their new tents.
Chapter 44:  Hastings 244, in which Lauren plans her day to include spear fishing and a hot shower.
Chapter 43:  Beam 138, in which James has a last meal and leaves their temporary home.
Chapter 42:  Takano 70, in which Tommy chooses symbols for the men's and women's rooms, and asks Lauren about shelter.
Chapter 41:  Beam 137, in which James gets ready to go camping.
Chapter 40:  Hastings 243, in which Lauren examines the reported flood.
Chapter 39:  Beam 136, in which James collects bullets and a few rifles.
Chapter 38:  Takano 69, in which Tommy and Lauren are shown the camp bathrooms and showers.
Chapter 37:  Hastings 242, in which Lauren begins organizing camp.
Chapter 36:  Beam 135, in which James explains his decisions and his immediate plans.
Chapter 35:  Takano 68, in which Lauren leads Tommy and the others into their new campgrounds.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #463:  Characters Unsettled, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, covering chapters 18 through 34.
Chapter 34:  Beam 134, in which James finds another place to stay.
Chapter 33:  Hastings 241, in which Lauren finds food, water, and a campsite.
Chapter 32:  Beam 133, in which James dramatically and permanently leaves their shelter behind.
Chapter 31:  Takano 67, in which Tommy and Lauren lead the people through the gate and into the woods.
Chapter 30:  Beam 132, in which James forcibly moves into shelter for the night.
Chapter 29:  Hastings 240, in which Lauren teaches the leaders how to build fires and roast turkey.
Chapter 28:  Beam 131, in which Beam and Ashleigh make a map.
Chapter 27:  Takano 66, in which Tommy and Lauren lead the people to the wall, and Tommy worries about crossing it.
Chapter 26:  Beam 130, in which James decides to camp and hunt.
Chapter 25:  Hastings 239, in which Lauren releases water from a pipe.
Chapter 24:  Beam 129, in which James discusses his future plans with his father-in-law.
Chapter 23:  Takano 65, in which Tommy receives a map when Lauren prays for guidance.
Chapter 22:  Beam 128, in which James tries to ask Ashleigh about the previous night.
Chapter 21:  Hastings 238, in which Lauren awaits the report of the third scouting team.
Chapter 20:  Beam 127, in which James awakens to discover that Ashleigh is gone.
Chapter 19:  Takano 64, in which Tommy is awakened by the return of the second scout team, who report being attacked by minions of the gods.
Chapter 18:  Beam 126, in which Beam is vexed by the problem of finding a place to stay.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #460:  Versers Reorganize, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, covering chapters 1 through 17.
Chapter 17:  Hastings 237, in which Lauren gets the report from the first returning exploration team.
Chapter 16:  Beam 125, in which Beam visits a local blacksmith.
Chapter 15:  Takano 63, in which Tommy considers new graffiti ideas.
Chapter 14:  Beam 124, in which James sees a motricycle.
Chapter 13:  Hastings 236, in which Lauren worries.
Chapter 12:  Beam 123, in which James meets his mother-in-law.
Chapter 11:  Takano 62, in which Tommy watches Lauren organize scouting parties.
Chapter 10:  Beam 122, in which James has to figure out how to get breakfast.
Chapter 9:  Hastings 235, in which Lauren and Tommy practice combat techniques in front of the garage.
Chapter 8:  Beam 121, in which James learns the name of his new wife.
Chapter 7:  Takano 61, in which Lauren explains to Tommy the importance of being grateful for the food you have.
Chapter 6:  Beam 120, in which James accepts a proposal he can't refuse.
Chapter 5:  Hastings 234, in which Lauren finds a way to feed a multitude.
Chapter 4:  Beam 119, in which James enters a secure storage facility.
Chapter 3:  Takano 60, in which Lauren fails to summon food but does manage to open the door to the outside.
Chapter 2:  Beam 118, in which James Beam begins figuring out where he is.
Chapter 1:  Hastings 233, in which Lauren and Tommy begin reorganizing the group in the wake of the loss of James Beam.

As to the old stories that have long been here:

Verse Three, Chapter One:  The First Multiverser Novel

Old Verses New

For Better or Verse

Spy Verses

Garden of Versers

Versers Versus Versers

Re Verse All

In Verse Proportion

Stories from the Verse Main Page

The Original Introduction to Stories from the Verse

Read the Stories

The Online Games

Books by the Author

Go to Other Links

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