Stories from the Verse

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Con Version

With permission from Valdron Inc, we have successfully presented seven previous Multiverser novels in serialized format.  In them we have followed the adventures of now half a dozen primary verser characters--Joseph Wade Kondor, Lauren Elizabeth Meyers Hastings, Robert Elvis Slade, Derek Jacob Brown, James Donald Beam, and Tomiko Takano--plus perhaps twice as many associated characters, as they travel from universe to universe, trying to survive, make homes for themselves, and frequently make a difference in the worlds they visit.  You can learn more about those characters from their character sheets in the novels' support site, Multiverser Novel Support Pages, where there are Multiverser game-style character sheets for major characters in the novels, to be expanded gradually over time.  Even better, you can read their stories in the books, still posted on the web:

  1. Verse Three, Chapter One:  The First Multiverser Novel;
  2. Old Verses New;
  3. For Better or Verse;
  4. Spy Verses;
  5. Garden of Versers;
  6. Versers Versus Versers;
  7. Re Verse All.
  8. In Verse Proportion.
  9. Con Verse Lea.
  10. In Version.

If you haven't read the first ten books, they're not essential; as we bring you the eleventh novel, Con Version, it is in a sense a complete story in itself, and while continuing the stories of those characters it is also a discrete book despite being part of a longer story.  On the other hand, the first ten books are free and easily accessed by anyone who can get here, so you can't complain that you wish you'd read them first if you don't.

I wrote the first nine books not exactly entirely by myself--Kyler C. B. Young wrote quite a bit of the original James Beam stories in Garden of Versers, and he and several others often consulted on characters and story ideas before and since.  However, after I had started writing In Version Eric R. Ashley, who had independently written several books some of which were built on the Multiverser cosmology and played the game with me and with many others, reminded me that I had mentioned possibly collaborating at some point, and so I invited him to do so on that one.  The collaboration worked so well for both of us that we agreed to continue it with this book.  The behind-the-writings posts included in the index below attempt to keep clear who wrote what, to the degree that we are able to make that distinction.

For the reasons discussed on the indexing page of that first novel, I've chosen this format.  Below are two columns, the one on the left listing all the chapters published so far in sequence--the sequence in which they are published as well as the sequence in which they appear in the book.  The right hand column reverses the order, such that the first chapter listed there is the most recently published one, the last chapter currently available.  That way if you've just discovered the book you can begin with chapter one and work your way down the left hand side, but if you've been reading regularly you can immediately go to the latest installment by hitting the top of the right column.  Again each chapter is on its own web page, with a link near the top to the previous chapter and, once it is published, a link at the bottom to the next one, plus links back to this page to help you navigate.  You'll have to keep track of your place, but that shouldn't be too difficult--I'm including a blurb with each chapter that should help you remember what you've read.  To be first to hear of new publications, support my Patreon campaign, or follow me in social media.

As mentioned, I have again collected some "behind the writings" materials, which will be published on the mark Joseph "young" web log and listed and linked here.  These are quite replete with spoilers, so you might want to delay reading them until you're well past the chapters they discuss, but quite a few readers have found them interesting.  One has told me he is not much of a book reader but loves reading about creative process, and thus the posts on how it was created are to him more interesting than the story itself.  I do hope you find the story interesting, but I admit that the behind-the-writings posts interest me as well.

Credit should be given.  The above image was based again on the cover of the first novel, which was created by Valdron art director Dimitrios "Jim" Denaxas, with reference to previous covers I devised by modifying that original image and with Kyler C. B. Young's help on the fifth.  The images on the individual pages were done by me usually by compositing images gleaned from the Internet which were said to be free for commercial use (I'm not sure this is commercial use, but I'm not sure it is not, so I'm not taking a risk there) with elements of some previous images some done by Eric York for the first novel and occasionally snippets from images by Jim and Multiverser artist William "Bill" Kozak; I again added the lettering in all cases.  Eric and I did all the editing.  Kyler is also responsible in significant part for the creation of the major characters in the James Beam stories.

Chapter 1:  Takano 84:  following the loss of Lauren Hastings, Tomiko "Tommy" Takano organizes the tribe in anticipation of winter.
Chapter 2:  Brown 282:  Derek entertains an offer from a mysterious stranger on a dark, rainy roadside.
Chapter 3:  Cooper 1:  We meet Professor Brian Cooper somewhere in the mountains.
Chapter 4:  Takano 85:  Tommy is made aware of a monster somewhere nearby.
Chapter 5:  Brown 283:  Derek and Vashti take shelter in a barn and befriend a bull.
Chapter 6:  Cooper 2:  Brian meets with a wagon and an invitation.
Chapter 7:  Takano 86:  Tommy practices her meager tracking skills.
Chapter 8:  Brown 284:  Derek and Vashti receive gifts from a stranger.
Chapter 9:  Cooper 3:  Brian gathers his belongings and finds his way to a chalet.
Chapter 10:  Takano 87:  Tommy is consulted on the large cat problem.
Chapter 11:  Brown 285:  Derek and Vashti make music together.
Chapter 12:  Cooper 4:  Brian explains how he got there.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #498:  Characters Restart, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, covering chapters 1 through 12.
Chapter 13:  Takano 88:  Tommy and her people resolve the cat problem.
Chapter 14:  Brown 286:  Morach hunts rabbit.
Chapter 15:  Cooper 5:  Brian takes a step toward better communication.
Chapter 16:  Takano 89:  Tommy is asked a fishy question.
Chapter 17:  Brown 287:  Derek and Vashti are offered a job.
Chapter 18:  Cooper 6:  Brian learns to split logs and care for a mule.
Chapter 19:  Takano 90:  Tommy draws several lessons from the question about praying for fish.
Chapter 20:  Brown 288:  Derek and Vashti play for their supper.
Chapter 21:  Cooper 7:  Brian drives the mule down the mountain into Wenbrunnen.
Chapter 22:  Takano 91:  Tommy encourages the people to pray.
Chapter 23:  Brown 289:  Derek and Vashti expand their duet into a trio.
Chapter 24:  Cooper 8:  Brian helps Wilhelm sneak into town.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #501:  Characters Orienting, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, covering chapters 13 through 24.
Chapter 25:  Takano 92:  Tommy sees the point to better weapons.
Chapter 26:  Brown 290:  Derek stands up for equality.
Chapter 27:  Cooper 9:  Brian is arrested.
Chapter 28:  Takano 93:  Tommy is asked to give up leading Bible study.
Chapter 29:  Brown 291:  Derek drives away a witch and explains himself to a local.
Chapter 30:  Cooper 10:  Brian sings praises in prison.
Chapter 31:  Brown 292:  Derek faces a real monster on Halloween.
Chapter 32:  Takano 94:  Tommy addresses a political problem.
Chapter 33:  Brown 293:  Derek's team defeats the monster.
Chapter 34:  Cooper 11:  Brian is released from jail.
Chapter 35:  Takano 95:  Preparing for winter, Tommy finds a new protein source.
Chapter 36:  Brown 294:  Derek gets another gig and meets a Sousaphone player.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #502:  Verser Setbacks, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, covering chapters 25 through 36.
Chapter 37:  Cooper 12:  Brian climbs an Alp.
Chapter 38:  Takano 96:  Tommy recognizes a Godsend.
Chapter 39:  Brown 295:  Derek introduces a bass to the band.
Chapter 40:  Cooper 13:  Brian drives the mule to Wenbrunnen, but is interrupted on the return trip.
Chapter 41:  Takano 97:  Tommy's new friend starts teaching survival skills.
Chapter 42:  Brown 296:  Derek and the band ride trollies to the Tenth Street Music Hall.
Chapter 43:  Cooper 14:  Brian is questioned by the local governor.
Chapter 44:  Brown 297:  Derek enjoys music from other performers.
Chapter 45:  Takano 98:  Tommy counsels star-crossed lovers.
Chapter 46:  Brown 298:  Derek's Band plays at the 10th Street Music Hall.
Chapter 47:  Cooper 15:  Brian finds Wilhelm.
Chapter 48:  Takano 99:  Tommy contemplates marriage, Davey, and Varlax.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #503:  Versers Progress, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, covering chapters 37 through 48.
Chapter 49:  Brown 299:  Derek is tempted to play poker with the Devil.
Chapter 50:  Cooper 16:  Brian and Wilhelm are sent down the river.
Chapter 51:  Takano 100:  Tommy discusses Davey with Hulion.
Chapter 52:  Brown 300:  Derek auditions a drummer.
Chapter 53:  Cooper 17:  Brian suggests that Wilhelm should steer the boat.
Chapter 54:  Takano 101:  Davey tells Tommy about his preparations for proposing.
Chapter 55:  Brown 301:  Derek adds a fanfare and a drumming song to the repertoire.
Chapter 56:  Cooper 18:  Brian is returned to Geisler's jail.
Chapter 57:  Takano 102:  Tommy encounters a strange rabbit.
Chapter 58:  Brown 302:  Derek debuts the drummer just in time for Thanksgiving.
Chapter 59:  Cooper 19:  Brian faces the Inquisition.
Chapter 60:  Takano 103:  Tommy welcomes Davey's return.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #505:  Versers Advance, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, covering chapters 49 through 60.
Chapter 61:  Brown 303:  Derek's home is burgled.
Chapter 62:  Cooper 20:  Brian is tied to the stake.
Chapter 63:  Takano 104:  Tommy helps Davey propose.
Chapter 64:  Brown 304:  Derek recovers his stolen property.
Chapter 65:  Cooper 21:  Brian watches Wilhelm make a miraculous shot.
Chapter 66:  Takano 105:  Tommy plans a wedding.
Chapter 67:  Brown 305:  Derek explains who he is to his team.
Chapter 68:  Cooper 22:  Brian meets a superhero.
Chapter 69:  Takano 106:  Tommy conducts a wedding.
Chapter 70:  Brown 306:  A criminal apologizes to Derek, and gives the band a name.
Chapter 71:  Cooper 23:  Brian escapes a forcefield trap.
Chapter 72:  Takano 107:  Tommy sees Davey raise a log cabin.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #506:  Characters Involved, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, covering chapters 61 through 72.
Chapter 73:  Brown 307:  Derek and the band play for a disaster relief drive.
Chapter 74:  Cooper 24:  Brian receives his superhero equipment.
Chapter 75:  Brown 308:  Derek replies to charges of commingling and miscegenation.
Chapter 76:  Takano 108:  Winter comes to Tommy.
Chapter 77:  Brown 309:  Derek attends an ill-fated Yule celebration.
Chapter 78:  Cooper 25:  Brian embraces his new calling.
Chapter 79:  Takano 109:  Tommy fails to kill a deer.
Chapter 80:  Brown 310:  Derek imagines Michael Gabriel.
Chapter 81:  Cooper 26:  Brian is rescued by an Eagle.
Chapter 82:  Takano 110:  Tommy attends a council meeting about deer hunting.
Chapter 83:  Brown 311:  Derek repays a kindness.
Chapter 84:  Cooper 27:  Brian gets settled in the city.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #509:  Character Challenges, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, covering chapters 73 through 84.
Chapter 85:  Takano 111:  Tommy and Davey try to expand the winter diet.
Chapter 86:  Brown 312:  Derek is accosted by a clergyman.
Chapter 87:  Cooper 28:  Brian starts getting settled and calls another superhero.
Chapter 88:  Takano 112:  Tommy faces a death in the tribe.
Chapter 89:  Brown 313:  Derek attends a crawfish boil.
Chapter 90:  Cooper 29:  Brian meets William Tell Junior.
Chapter 91:  Takano 113:  Tommy hears Boronir's last words.
Chapter 92:  Brown 314:  Derek and Vashti visit Maurice's Baptist church.
Chapter 93:  Cooper 30:  Brian meets Red Swashbuckler.
Chapter 94:  Takano 114:  Tommy resolves the question of how to replace Boronir as team leader.
Chapter 95:  Brown 315:  Derek resolves a police standoff.
Chapter 96:  Cooper 31:  Brian runs to a ball game and catches a ride to a bank robbery.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #510:  Versers Debate, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, covering chapters 85 through 96.
Chapter 97:  Takano 115:  Spring comes for Tommy.
Chapter 98:  Brown 316:  Derek attempts to engage his friends in a discussion of racial unity.
Chapter 99:  Cooper 32:  Brian faces two supervillains robbing a bank.
Chapter 100:  Brown 317:  Derek encounters Pierre Hunter again.
Chapter 101:  Takano 116:  Tommy saves a child from snakes.
Chapter 102:  Brown 318:  Derek's Louisiana nightmare begins.
Chapter 103:  Cooper 33:  Brian captures two supervillains.
Chapter 104:  Brown 319:  Derek's Louisiana nightmare continues.
Chapter 105:  Cooper 34:  Brian encounters a strange Japanese girl.
Chapter 106:  Brown 320:  Derek's nightmare turns to conversation.
Chapter 107:  Takano 117:  Tommy meets a superhero.
Chapter 108:  Brown 321:  Derek's vision ends.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #511:  Characters Change, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, covering chapters 97 through 108.
Chapter 109:  Cooper 35:  Brian finds Tommy.
Chapter 110:  Takano 118:  Brian invites Tommy to lunch.
Chapter 111:  Brown 322:  Derek and Vashti attend church at the Chinese Mission with Lei He.
Chapter 112:  Cooper 36:  Brian and Tommy split a rack of ribs.
Chapter 113:  Takano 119:  Tommy encounters a supervillain at a laundromat.
Chapter 114:  Brown 323:  Derek and Vashti find files in a hidden compartment.
Chapter 115:  Cooper 37:  Brian introduces Tommy and her idea to William Keller.
Chapter 116:  Takano 120:  Tommy and Brian get jobs in the business machines industry.
Chapter 117:  Brown 324:  Derek reads up on vampires.
Chapter 118:  Cooper 38:  Brian and Tommy introduce themselves to Mister Granville, head of R&D at Berkeley Business Systems.
Chapter 119:  Takano 121:  Tommy considers her first day of work.
Chapter 120:  Brown 325:  Derek experiences a Roman Catholic mass.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #512:  Versers Work, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, covering chapters 109 through 120.
Chapter 121:  Cooper 39:  Brian buys some clothes for work.
Chapter 122:  Takano 122:  Tommy and Brian demonstrate their value to the computer R&D team.
Chapter 123:  Brown 326:  Derek finds evidence that the vampires might already be at work.
Chapter 124:  Cooper 40:  Brian teams up with Truth and Tell to search for the villain Blue Ray.
Chapter 125:  Takano 123:  Tommy catches the villain Blue Ray.
Chapter 126:  Brown 327:  Derek and friends join a parade.
Chapter 127:  Cooper 41:  Brian muses on his situation.
Chapter 128:  Brown 328:  Derek begins to form a plan for hunting vampires.
Chapter 129:  Takano 124:  Tommy and Brian get their first paychecks.
Chapter 130:  Cooper 42:  Brian climbs a mountain and meets a shaman.
Chapter 131:  Brown 329:  Derek does his first aerial recon over Cajun country.
Chapter 132:  Takano 125:  Tommy gets some surprising help in a surprising place.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #515:  Verser Troubles, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, covering chapters 121 through 132.
Chapter 133:  Cooper 43:  Mister Justice helps rescue minors.
Chapter 134:  Brown 330:  Derek finds the mausoleum.
Chapter 135:  Takano 126:  Tommy and Brian discuss computers over lunch with Keller.
Chapter 136:  Cooper 44:  Brian and Tommy consider moving out of the motel.
Chapter 137:  Brown 331:  Rain washes out Derek's plans.
Chapter 138:  Takano 127:  Tommy receives a surprising lunch invitation.
Chapter 139:  Cooper 45:  Brian researches superheroes at the library.
Chapter 140:  Brown 332:  Derek's local restaurant is attacked by an arsonist.
Chapter 141:  Takano 128:  Tommy has lunch with an unexpected new friend.
Chapter 142:  Cooper 46:  Brian does a bit of apartment hunting.
Chapter 143:  Brown 333:  As rain continues, Derek's team learns of another killing.
Chapter 144:  Takano 129:  Tommy practices her rooftop work.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #516:  Versers Stymied, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, covering chapters 133 through 144.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #516:  Versers Stymied, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, covering chapters 133 through 144.
Chapter 144:  Takano 129:  Tommy practices her rooftop work.
Chapter 143:  Brown 333:  As rain continues, Derek's team learns of another killing.
Chapter 142:  Cooper 46:  Brian does a bit of apartment hunting.
Chapter 141:  Takano 128:  Tommy has lunch with an unexpected new friend.
Chapter 140:  Brown 332:  Derek's local restaurant is attacked by an arsonist.
Chapter 139:  Cooper 45:  Brian researches superheroes at the library.
Chapter 138:  Takano 127:  Tommy receives a surprising lunch invitation.
Chapter 137:  Brown 331:  Rain washes out Derek's plans.
Chapter 136:  Cooper 44:  Brian and Tommy consider moving out of the motel.
Chapter 135:  Takano 126:  Tommy and Brian discuss computers over lunch with Keller.
Chapter 134:  Brown 330:  Derek finds the mausoleum.
Chapter 133:  Cooper 43:  Mister Justice helps rescue minors.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #515:  Verser Troubles, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, covering chapters 121 through 132.
Chapter 132:  Takano 125:  Tommy gets some surprising help in a surprising place.
Chapter 131:  Brown 329:  Derek does his first aerial recon over Cajun country.
Chapter 130:  Cooper 42:  Brian climbs a mountain and meets a shaman.
Chapter 129:  Takano 124:  Tommy and Brian get their first paychecks.
Chapter 128:  Brown 328:  Derek begins to form a plan for hunting vampires.
Chapter 127:  Cooper 41:  Brian muses on his situation.
Chapter 126:  Brown 327:  Derek and friends join a parade.
Chapter 125:  Takano 123:  Tommy catches the villain Blue Ray.
Chapter 124:  Cooper 40:  Brian teams up with Truth and Tell to search for the villain Blue Ray.
Chapter 123:  Brown 326:  Derek finds evidence that the vampires might already be at work.
Chapter 122:  Takano 122:  Tommy and Brian demonstrate their value to the computer R&D team.
Chapter 121:  Cooper 39:  Brian buys some clothes for work.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #512:  Versers Work, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, covering chapters 109 through 120.
Chapter 120:  Brown 325:  Derek experiences a Roman Catholic mass.
Chapter 119:  Takano 121:  Tommy considers her first day of work.
Chapter 118:  Cooper 38:  Brian and Tommy introduce themselves to Mister Granville, head of R&D at Berkeley Business Systems.
Chapter 117:  Brown 324:  Derek reads up on vampires.
Chapter 116:  Takano 120:  Tommy and Brian get jobs in the business machines industry.
Chapter 115:  Cooper 37:  Brian introduces Tommy and her idea to William Keller.
Chapter 114:  Brown 323:  Derek and Vashti find files in a hidden compartment.
Chapter 113:  Takano 119:  Tommy encounters a supervillain at a laundromat.
Chapter 112:  Cooper 36:  Brian and Tommy split a rack of ribs.
Chapter 111:  Brown 322:  Derek and Vashti attend church at the Chinese Mission with Lei He.
Chapter 110:  Takano 118:  Brian invites Tommy to lunch.
Chapter 109:  Cooper 35:  Brian finds Tommy.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #511:  Characters Change, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, covering chapters 97 through 108.
Chapter 108:  Brown 321:  Derek's vision ends.
Chapter 107:  Takano 117:  Tommy meets a superhero.
Chapter 106:  Brown 320:  Derek's nightmare turns to conversation.
Chapter 105:  Cooper 34:  Brian encounters a strange Japanese girl.
Chapter 104:  Brown 319:  Derek's Louisiana nightmare continues.
Chapter 103:  Cooper 33:  Brian captures two supervillains.
Chapter 102:  Brown 318:  Derek's Louisiana nightmare begins.
Chapter 101:  Takano 116:  Tommy saves a child from snakes.
Chapter 100:  Brown 317:  Derek encounters Pierre Hunter again.
Chapter 99:  Cooper 32:  Brian faces two supervillains robbing a bank.
Chapter 98:  Brown 316:  Derek attempts to engage his friends in a discussion of racial unity.
Chapter 97:  Takano 115:  Spring comes for Tommy.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #510:  Versers Debate, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, covering chapters 85 through 96.
Chapter 96:  Cooper 31:  Brian runs to a ball game and catches a ride to a bank robbery.
Chapter 95:  Brown 315:  Derek resolves a police standoff.
Chapter 94:  Takano 114:  Tommy resolves the question of how to replace Boronir as team leader.
Chapter 93:  Cooper 30:  Brian meets Red Swashbuckler.
Chapter 92:  Brown 314:  Derek and Vashti visit Maurice's Baptist church.
Chapter 91:  Takano 113:  Tommy hears Boronir's last words.
Chapter 90:  Cooper 29:  Brian meets William Tell Junior.
Chapter 89:  Brown 313:  Derek attends a crawfish boil.
Chapter 88:  Takano 112:  Tommy faces a death in the tribe.
Chapter 87:  Cooper 28:  Brian starts getting settled and calls another superhero.
Chapter 86:  Brown 312:  Derek is accosted by a clergyman.
Chapter 85:  Takano 111:  Tommy and Davey try to expand the winter diet.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #509:  Character Challenges, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, covering chapters 73 through 84.
Chapter 84:  Cooper 27:  Brian gets settled in the city.
Chapter 83:  Brown 311:  Derek repays a kindness.
Chapter 82:  Takano 110:  Tommy attends a council meeting about deer hunting.
Chapter 81:  Cooper 26:  Brian is rescued by an Eagle.
Chapter 80:  Brown 310:  Derek imagines Michael Gabriel.
Chapter 79:  Takano 109:  Tommy fails to kill a deer.
Chapter 78:  Cooper 25:  Brian embraces his new calling.
Chapter 77:  Brown 309:  Derek attends an ill-fated Yule celebration.
Chapter 76:  Takano 108:  Winter comes to Tommy.
Chapter 75:  Brown 308:  Derek replies to charges of commingling and miscegenation.
Chapter 74:  Cooper 24:  Brian receives his superhero equipment.
Chapter 73:  Brown 307:  Derek and the band play for a disaster relief drive.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #506:  Characters Involved, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, covering chapters 61 through 72.
Chapter 72:  Takano 107:  Tommy sees Davey raise a log cabin.
Chapter 71:  Cooper 23:  Brian escapes a forcefield trap.
Chapter 70:  Brown 306:  A criminal apologizes to Derek, and gives the band a name.
Chapter 69:  Takano 106:  Tommy conducts a wedding.
Chapter 68:  Cooper 22:  Brian meets a superhero.
Chapter 67:  Brown 305:  Derek explains who he is to his team.
Chapter 66:  Takano 105:  Tommy plans a wedding.
Chapter 65:  Cooper 21:  Brian watches Wilhelm make a miraculous shot.
Chapter 64:  Brown 304:  Derek recovers his stolen property.
Chapter 63:  Takano 104:  Tommy helps Davey propose.
Chapter 62:  Cooper 20:  Brian is tied to the stake.
Chapter 61:  Brown 303:  Derek's home is burgled.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #505:  Versers Advance, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, covering chapters 49 through 60.
Chapter 60:  Takano 103:  Tommy welcomes Davey's return.
Chapter 59:  Cooper 19:  Brian faces the Inquisition.
Chapter 58:  Brown 302:  Derek debuts the drummer just in time for Thanksgiving.
Chapter 57:  Takano 102:  Tommy encounters a strange rabbit.
Chapter 56:  Cooper 18:  Brian is returned to Geisler's jail.
Chapter 55:  Brown 301:  Derek adds a fanfare and a drumming song to the repertoire.
Chapter 54:  Takano 101:  Davey tells Tommy about his preparations for proposing.
Chapter 53:  Cooper 17:  Brian suggests that Wilhelm should steer the boat.
Chapter 52:  Brown 300:  Derek auditions a drummer.
Chapter 51:  Takano 100:  Tommy discusses Davey with Hulion.
Chapter 50:  Cooper 16:  Brian and Wilhelm are sent down the river.
Chapter 49:  Brown 299:  Derek is tempted to play poker with the Devil.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #503:  Versers Progress, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, covering chapters 37 through 48.
Chapter 48:  Takano 99:  Tommy contemplates marriage, Davey, and Varlax.
Chapter 47:  Cooper 15:  Brian finds Wilhelm.
Chapter 46:  Brown 298:  Derek's Band plays at the 10th Street Music Hall.
Chapter 45:  Takano 98:  Tommy counsels star-crossed lovers.
Chapter 44:  Brown 297:  Derek enjoys music from other performers.
Chapter 43:  Cooper 14:  Brian is questioned by the local governor.
Chapter 42:  Brown 296:  Derek and the band ride trollies to the Tenth Street Music Hall.
Chapter 41:  Takano 97:  Tommy's new friend starts teaching survival skills.
Chapter 40:  Cooper 13:  Brian drives the mule to Wenbrunnen, but is interrupted on the return trip.
Chapter 39:  Brown 295:  Derek introduces a bass to the band.
Chapter 38:  Takano 96:  Tommy recognizes a Godsend.
Chapter 37:  Cooper 12:  Brian climbs an Alp.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #502:  Verser Setbacks, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, covering chapters 25 through 36.
Chapter 36:  Brown 294:  Derek gets another gig and meets a Sousaphone player.
Chapter 35:  Takano 95:  Preparing for winter, Tommy finds a new protein source.
Chapter 34:  Cooper 11:  Brian is released from jail.
Chapter 33:  Brown 293:  Derek's team defeats the monster.
Chapter 32:  Takano 94:  Tommy addresses a political problem.
Chapter 31:  Brown 292:  Derek faces a real monster on Halloween.
Chapter 30:  Cooper 10:  Brian sings praises in prison.
Chapter 29:  Brown 291:  Derek drives away a witch and explains himself to a local.
Chapter 28:  Takano 93:  Tommy is asked to give up leading Bible study.
Chapter 27:  Cooper 9:  Brian is arrested.
Chapter 26:  Brown 290:  Derek stands up for equality.
Chapter 25:  Takano 92:  Tommy sees the point to better weapons.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #501:  Characters Orienting, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, covering chapters 13 through 24.
Chapter 24:  Cooper 8:  Brian helps Wilhelm sneak into town.
Chapter 23:  Brown 289:  Derek and Vashti expand their duet into a trio.
Chapter 22:  Takano 91:  Tommy encourages the people to pray.
Chapter 21:  Cooper 7:  Brian drives the mule down the mountain into Wenbrunnen.
Chapter 20:  Brown 288:  Derek and Vashti play for their supper.
Chapter 19:  Takano 90:  Tommy draws several lessons from the question about praying for fish.
Chapter 18:  Cooper 6:  Brian learns to split logs and care for a mule.
Chapter 17:  Brown 287:  Derek and Vashti are offered a job.
Chapter 16:  Takano 89:  Tommy is asked a fishy question.
Chapter 15:  Cooper 5:  Brian takes a step toward better communication.
Chapter 14:  Brown 286:  Morach hunts rabbit.
Chapter 13:  Takano 88:  Tommy and her people resolve the cat problem.
Behind the writing:  mark Joseph "Young" blog entry #498:  Characters Restart, looks at some of what was behind the writing decisions, covering chapters 1 through 12.
Chapter 12:  Cooper 4:  Brian explains how he got there.
Chapter 11:  Brown 285:  Derek and Vashti make music together.
Chapter 10:  Takano 87:  Tommy is consulted on the large cat problem.
Chapter 9:  Cooper 3:  Brian gathers his belongings and finds his way to a chalet.
Chapter 8:  Brown 284:  Derek and Vashti receive gifts from a stranger.
Chapter 7:  Takano 86:  Tommy practices her meager tracking skills.
Chapter 6:  Cooper 2:  Brian meets with a wagon and an invitation.
Chapter 5:  Brown 283:  Derek and Vashti take shelter in a barn and befriend a bull.
Chapter 4:  Takano 85:  Tommy is made aware of a monster somewhere nearby.
Chapter 3:  Cooper 1:  We meet Professor Brian Cooper somewhere in the mountains.
Chapter 2:  Brown 282:  Derek entertains an offer from a mysterious stranger on a dark, rainy roadside.
Chapter 1:  Takano 84:  following the loss of Lauren Hastings, Tomiko "Tommy" Takano organizes the tribe in anticipation of winter.

As to the old stories that have long been here:

Verse Three, Chapter One:  The First Multiverser Novel

Old Verses New

For Better or Verse

Spy Verses

Garden of Versers

Versers Versus Versers

Stories from the Verse Main Page

The Original Introduction to Stories from the Verse

Read the Stories

The Online Games

Books by the Author

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