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Robert Elvis Slade Character Sheet
Leaving Verse Three, Chapter One

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This is an attempt to capture for reference a character paper snapshot of the character Robert Elvis Slade, a major character in the Multiverser novels who debuts in Verse Three, Chapter One and returns...later.  This character sheet includes everything that is confirmed about him, plus a few extrapolations, in that first book, and thus represents him as he is in the penultimate chapter.

The picture was dug up on the Internet as an approximate image of him; it's not accurate, but it will suffice.

The referee will undoubtedly notice that many "necessary" details are absent here, among them stats on most of the weapons and situation modifiers on most of the spells.  These are not particularly needed for the fundamental purpose of writing the book, and so have not been included; they might be added at some future date if they become more useful.  Meanwhile, you know how to work out such things if you've got the Referee's Rules, and if you don't you're probably adapting it to your own use anyway.

To assist the referee, most entries include at least one coded reference to a chapter or chapters in which the item is mentioned; thus by cross-referencing with the story you can determine the details.  The chapters are identified by which character's story is being told, and thus most of those here begin with "S"; this is followed by a three-digit number indicating the chapter number for that character, not the chapter number for the book.  Thus if you want to find the first reference to his toolbox, you read here that it appears in S002, and on the index page for the novel you search for the text "Slade 2" and that will take you to the link for that chapter.  Obviously the chapters beginning "K" are Joe's story, and thus "Kondor", and those beginning "H" are Lauren's story, "Hastings".  The first novel ends with Kondor 41, Slade 42, and Hastings 43.

Robert Elvis Slade

A.K.A.: Slade S022

A.K.A.: Robert Elvis Lord Slade of Slade Manor, Friend and Ally of the Caliph of the West Wind, from the Djinni Quest world.

A.K.A.: Bob, by teachers S022 and Lauren.

A.K.A.: Bobby, by his mother S022.

A.K.A.: ??, by his girlfriend, says never mind what she called him S022.

1@7Persuasion2@4Ranged Strike Value (RSV)
1@10Charisma2@3Martial Strike Value (MSV)
1@9Animal Magnetism1@10Target Value (TV)
1@7Damage Value
1@5Intellect2@5Tech (Intellect/Intuition/Ed Level)
2@5Intuition2@5Psi (Persuasion/Intuition/Will Power)
1@10Education Level2@5Mag (An-mag/Intellect/Intuition)
1@9Will Power2@3Bod (Strength/Agility/Will Power)

Former smoker, chews on wooden strike-anywhere match stick S001. Craves a cigarette under stress S022.
Self-identifies as an auto mechanic S002 S020.
Nervous walking along ledge above chasm S040.

Height:  6'2" S001
Weight:  180# S001
Current Hair Style:  Longish, wavy, off shoulder S001
Hair Color:  Brown Blonde S001
Age:  “Young” S001 22 older than Torrence S016, about the same age as Joe S037
Eye Color:  Blue S001
Facial Hair:  Beard & Mustache
Birthmarks, Tatoos, or other unusual markings:  None
Other Description:  Look of a Viking Warrior S001 or a Norse God



1@51990’s Basic Technology Package (1@1 Basic Fire Skills Package, 1@1 Soft Sculpture/Clay Molding, 1@2 Operate Lighter, 1@2 Operate Match, 1@3 Use Oven, 2@X Wheels Package, 2@1 Stitch & Sew, 3@X Use Standard Hand Tools, 3@1 Wedges, 3@1 Ramps, 3@2 Operate Locks & Keys, 3@5 Operate Scissors & Cutters, 4@1 Operate Bicycle, 4@1 Non-wheeled Pulley, 4@2 Wheeled Pulley, 4@3 Block & Tackle, 6@1 Operate Calipers & Micrometers, 6@1 Operate Explosive-driven Slug Thrower, 6@2 Use Lens, 6@2 Operate Scopes, 7@1 Operate Air Gun, 8@0 Operate Automatic Transmission Vehicle, 9@0 Operate Electrical Switches, 9@0 Operate Electrical Appliances, 9@0 Operate Telephone, 10@0 Operate Electronic Entertainment Equipment, 11@0 Computer Game Play)Tech X@XHome
2@3Mechanic Package (4@X Gears package, 4@2 Welding, 4@3 Non-round gears, 4@4 Pistons, 4@4 Repair advanced gear systems, 4@5 Differentials, 4@5 Slip systems, 4@5 Automatic transmissions, 7@2 Piston engines, 7@2 Hydraulics, 7@4 Pneumatics, 7@5 Refrigeration, 8@2 Repair combustion engine, 9@1 Wiring & Switches)Tech X@XHome S002 S004 S024 S027
1@1Survival (Subterranean)Tech 0@1Djinni Quest S001
1@5Improvise Martial WeaponTech 0@5Djinni Quest S001
1@10Basic Fire Skills Package (Maintain Solid Fuel Fire, Transfer Fire, Contain Fire, Extinguish Fire)Tech 1@1Home
1@1Control Liquid Fuel Tech 1@5Home S024
1@10Use BlowtorchTech 1@6Home S001
2@1Repair Steering/Turning AxleTech 2@2Home S002
1@5Peg & Nail CarpentryTech 2@2Home S024
2@4Use Standard Hand Tools (All 3@ Tool Use Skills)Tech 3@XHome S002 S030 K038
1@10Quite a few weapons, unspecifiedTech 3@XDjinni Quest S017 S020 S024
2@7Mace Use
incorporates blunts at 1@10
Tech 3@1Djinni Quest S002 S003 S004 S017 S020 S024
1@8Pick LocksTech 3@2Djinni Quest S019 S020 S024 S033 S035
3@2Sword Use
Incorporates other swords at 1@10, swords like his at 2@10
Tech 3@3Djinni Quest +3 S002 S008 S009 S016 S017 S020 S021 S024 S027 S032 S036 S041 S042
2@5Dagger Use
Incorporates other knives at 1@10
Tech 3@3Djinni Quest +3 S007 S017 S020 S024 S027 S032 S041 S042
2@7Repair Gear Systems & Drives through Tech 4@4Tech 4@1Home S002 S024
2@1WeldingTech 4@2Home S002 S030
1@6Plumbing PackageTech 5@XHome S002 S024 S031
1@5Create medieval security systemsDjinni Quest S012
2@4Repair Combustion EngineTech 8@2Home S024
1@5Wiring & SwitchesTech 9@1Home S024
1@1Operate automatic life podTech 11@0Starship Destiny S028
1@3Defeat electronic security systemsTech 11@1Starship Destiny S032
1@6Operate Kinetic Blaster/Grav SystemTech 11@3Starship Destiny S032 S036 H039 S040 S041 S042
1@5Operate advanced tool systemsTech 11@3Starship Destiny S030
1@4General Science
LevelSkill Areas
1Control of Fire, Leather work, Pottery
2The Wheel, Woodwork, Cloth and Rope
3Inclines, Levers, Stonework
4Pulleys, Gears, Soft Metals
5Water Power, Hard Metals
6Lathes, Precision Tools, Explosives
7Steam and Pressure Power Systems
8Motors and Motor Fuels
9Electricity, Synthetics
11Computers, Planetary Travel
12Robotics, Nuclear Power, Genetic Engineering
Tech 11@0Home
1@2Math Theory
LevelSkill Areas
1 to 2Counting & Shape Identification
3 to 6Arithmetic and Euclidean Geometry
7 to 9Algebra & Set Theory
10Trigonometry & Alternative Number Systems
11 to 13Calculus
14 to 15Undiscovered Mathematics Systems
Tech 7@0Home
1@1Math ApplicationsTech 7@0Home


2@5Language (English)Psi 0@0Home S008 S017
1@3Language (Parakeet)Psi 0@0Parakeet Valley S038
1@3Teaching (Shella)Psi 0@1Djinni Quest S020
1@1Frighten opponentPsi 8@0Parakeet Valley S041 S042


1@8Law/Civil JusticeMag 0@0Djinni Quest S007
1@2Socio-political Economic TheoryMag 0@0Djinni Quest S007
1@7Administration (Medieval Fief)Mag 0@0Djinni Quest S007 S017 S020
1@8Strategy/TacticsMag 0@0Djinni Quest S007 S017 S020 S028 S029 S031 S036 S041 S042
1@4Court ProtocolsMag 0@2Djinni Quest S007
1@3Religion: Odinism
Gleaned from The Viking Raiders fantasy adventures by James Thompson K037
Mag 1@0NagaWorld S001 S016 H038 K037 S038 H041 S041 S042 H043
1@2Basics of MagicMag 1@0Djinni Quest S002 S008 S009 S019 S020 S024 K037
1@1Bonus Morale
Say, “Modi, this would be a good time for some of that courage.” Then attack.
Mag+ 1@1Parakeet Valley S041
1@1Bonus Strike
Say, "By the power of Thor I smite thee" while swinging with a martial weapon
Mag+ 1@2Djinni Quest S004 S042
1@1Bonus wisdom
Say, "Forseti, I could use a bit of wisdom here."
Mag+ 1@4Djinni Quest S005
Say, "Torkon chiana sinvillin, tau settick goron vien" while waving hands in front; darkness moves out from hands to fill mid-sized room.
Mag 4@1Djinni Quest S022
1@1Rebuke Wind
built on identity as ally of caliph
Mag+ 4@4Parakeet Valley H041
1@2Teleported Message
A message written on parchment vanishes on command and appears at a prescribed destination
Mag 7@1Djinni Quest S019
1@1Find Path
Say, "May the Norns guide my steps."
Mag+ 7@5Djinni Quest S001
1@XPlus "a few tricks" otherwise unspecifiedMag ?@?Djinni Quest S009 S017 S020


X@XHuman Standard Sensory Package
(2@5 Touch and pressure sensitivity B0@0, 1@5 Chemical sensitivity B0@1, 1@7 Gas & particular sensitivity B0@1, 2@2 Pain B0@2, 1@6 Heat sensitivity B0@3, 1@5 Cold sensitivity B0@3, 2@1 Photosensitivity B0@4, 1@8 Auditory perception B0@4, 1@6 Balance B0@4, 2@5 Focus B0@5, 1@2 Tactile imaging B0@5, 1@8 Pitch discrimination B0@6, 1@8 Stereo directional sense B0@7, 2@5 Color perception B0@8, 2@8 Depth perception B0@8)
Bod 0@XHome
X@XHuman Standard Body Package
(2@3 Manipulate Object B0@1; 1@1 Generate Pheromone Signal B0@2; 2@7 Generate Sound Signal B0@2; 2@3 Sitting B1@0; 2@1 Rise to All Limbs B1@1; 1@5 Multi-legged Crawl 2mph B1@3; 2@5 Stand Erect B2@1; 2@1 Walk at Walking Speeds 3mph B2@4: 1@10 Jog 3mph B3@3; 1@5 Dash 300˘ B3@4; 1@5 Sprint 990˘ B3@5; 1@5 Run 71/2 mph (one mile/eight minutes) B3@6; 1@1 Ground-based Rolling B4@1; 1@5 Reaching Jumps 10˛ B5@1; 1@5 Low Obstacles 12˛ B5@1; 1@3 Running High Jump 4˘ 6˛ B5@3; 1@5 Standing Long Jump 6˘ B5@3; 1@2 Running Long Jump 9˘ B5@3)
Bod X@XHome
The ability to focus on sensory information so as to be aware of the presence of a person or a trap
Bod 0@3Djinni Quest S041
1@5Move Silently, including doorsBod 0@6Djinni Quest S011 S019 S020
1@8Climb Walls & RopesBod 1@3Djinni Quest S001 S011 S019 S020 S024 K039
1@5Walk up steep inclineBod 2@4Home H041
1@10Ride HorseBod 3@0Djinni Quest S007 S010 S013 S014
1@5Balance Beam Walking (log bridge)Bod 6@1Home H041
2@4Steal InitiativeBod 7@1Djinni Quest S021
2@4Fast Draw--SwordBod 7@1Djinni Quest S021 S027 S036 S041
1@8Fast Draw--DaggerBod 7@1Djinni Quest S041


Box Stick MatchesJacket PocketHome S001 S022
Self-lighting Propane TorchToolboxHome S001
Coin, unidentifiedPocketHome S001
Tool BeltWaistHome S001 H040 S041
Pipe WrenchTool BeltHome S001
Heavy ScrewdriverTool BeltHome S001
Ball-peen hammerTool BeltHome S001 K038
PrybarToolboxHome S001 S039
ToolboxPack FrameHome S001
Flashlight (weak batteries)ToolboxHome S001
Leather BackpackPack FrameDjinni Quest S002 S037 H040
Pack FrameBackDjinni Quest S002
Leather ArmorWornDjinni Quest S002 S036 H040
Mace?Djinni Quest S002
Decorative Bottle, once contained djinniChestDjinni Quest S005 S006 S022
Primer on the Magic ArtsPackDjinni Quest S008 S009
Toothpicks, hand madePackDjinni Quest S009 S022 K037 S038 S041
SneakersPackHome S011
Several Magic BooksPackDjinni Quest S017 S019 S021 S022
Set Basic Lock PicksPackDjinni Quest S019 S034
Oil for LocksPackDjinni Quest S019
SwordTool BeltDjinni Quest S021 S027 S036 S037 S041 S042
JacketWornHome S022
Decorative ChestCarriedDjinni Quest S022
Beautiful necklace with Emerald the size of a golf ballChestDjinni Quest S022
Carved Gold Ring with fancy raised "S"ChestDjinni Quest S022
Jeweled DaggerChestDjinni Quest S022
About 20# total recognizable pieces of jewelryChestDjinni Quest S022
DaggerTool BeltDjinni Quest S027 S037 S041 S042
Oil for LeatherPackDjinni Quest S029
MK-12 High Energy Inertial Blaster in holster
Large Pistol-type kinetic weapon, 20 damaging shots per cell, hits like a high-speed baseball
WaistStarship Destiny S032 S036 S037 H039 S040 S041 S042
+6 MK-12 Power Cells
Emptied first S040, second S041, third S042
PackStarship Destiny S034 H039
Set Advanced Lock PicksPackStarship Destiny S034
Teleport HarnessPackStarship Destiny S026 S028 S034
BedrollPackDjinni Quest S037 H043
ChiselsToolboxHome K038
RopePackDjinni Quest K039
Grappling hookPackDjinni Quest K039
Leather BootsFeetDjinni Quest S041

Known Exclusions

Did not begin with a water bottle S001
Was never a Boy Scout S002
Does not have a camera S006
Does not know how to operate equipment he helped install in engineering in Starship Destiny S030
Was never inside a prison prior to Rhodes’ End S035
Terrible cook H043

World List
Stage 2

NagaWorld, killed by stray shell from automated weapon system S016 S022
Djinni Quest, incinerated on a botched magic skill learning attempt. S020
Starship Destiny, killed by enemy blaster fire from behind S036 S037
Parakeet Valley

Identified Characteristics

When thirsty, thinks of beer S002
Recognizes that luck plays a significant part in his successes S029

Personal History

Robert Elvis Slade was an auto mechanic in his young twenties S002.  He use to smoke, but quit; he kept a wooden strike anywhere kitchen stick match in his teeth to replace that S001.  He was never a Boy Scout S002.  He received a new high-speed CD player for his car stereo for Christmas in 1999, and was installing it some time before the New Year celebration of the millennium when he got a nasty shock and versed out S004 S022.  He's since been a bit nervous about electrical and electronic things.

Arriving in NagaWorld, he decided there must be something supernatural about it.  It didn't sound like anything he'd learned in catechism, so he figured some other religion must be true.  About the only other religion he knew anything about was the Norse faith--he'd read a series of fantasy books in which they were major characters--and it made some sense that perhaps he was being prepared for the final battle at Ragnorak.  He took that as his new faith S001.  He was trying to strip parts off vehicles on the edge of the Battlefield when he was hit by a projectile weapon and versed out S004.

In the Djinni Quest world he studied with several fighters, a wizard, and a thief.  We are told that he prefers to drink beer, but drinks whatever they have S002.  He also became known as a friend and ally of all djinn and especially of the Caliph of the West Wind, a djinn lord, having freed him from a bottle S005, his third wish.  From his first wish, he knows all the details about every wish ever granted by any djinni S005.  His second wish was for everything granted to Petrof of Salminia, which included a castle, a fortune, and a small army to defend it, for himself and separately for each of his three companions.

His explanation for his apparent lack of aging was that he had elfin blood, or that he might have gotten too close to the djinni S014.  After Mica’s vesting S014 S015 Torrence suggests that Shella should come with him to visit Slade.  He tells Torrence he can’t marry her S016.  Argues with Torelle that people should get to plan their own lives S018.  Shella blows him a kiss as he verses out S020.

Took no interest in the parakeet people and would not say that they were “pretty” H039. Perceives himself as more a man of action than ideas S038

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