Stories from the Verse
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James Donald Beam Character Sheet
After Garden of Versers

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This is an attempt to capture for reference a character paper snapshot of the character James Donald Beam, a major character in the Multiverser novels who debuts in Garden of Versers.  This character sheet includes everything that is confirmed about him, plus a few extrapolations, in that book, and thus represents him as he is at the end of it, the fifth Multiverser novel.

The picture is a photo of the player on whom the character was based; it's not completely accurate, but it will suffice.

To assist the referee, most entries include at least one coded reference to a chapter or chapters in which the item is mentioned; thus by cross-referencing with the story you can determine the details.  The chapters are identified by which character's story is being told, and thus most of those here begin with "Be"; this is followed by a three-digit number indicating the chapter number for that character, not the chapter number for the book.  Thus if you want to find the first reference to his cigarettes, you read here that it appears in Be001, and on the index page for the fifth novel you search for the text "Beam 1" and that will take you to the link for that chapter.  Obviously the chapters beginning "Ko" are Joe's story,and thus "Kondor", those beginning "Ha" are Lauren's story, and thus "Hastings", those beginning "Sl" are Bob's story, "Slade", and those beginning "Br" are Derek's story, "Brown".  The first novel ends with Kondor 41, Slade 42, and Hastings 43.  The second contains Kondor 42 through 96, Hastings 44 through 95, and Brown 1 through 55, the third consists of Hastings 96 through 136, Slade 43 through 92, and Brown 56 through 96, the fourth Kondor 97 through 136, Brown 97 through 160, and Slade 93 through 135, and the fifth Kondor 137 through 154, Hastings 137 through 172, Slade 136 through 154, Brown 161 through 178, and Beam 1 through 41.

James Donald Beam B002

A.K.A.:  The white-haired man:  his perhaps deprecatory self-perception Be001

A.K.A.:  James, introduction to Bron Be007

A.K.A.:  Sir, by Dawn Be017

A.K.A.:  J.D., by Bron Be017 Be036

A.K.A.:  Beam. James Beam, to the Efriit Be017

1@Persuasion1@Ranged Strike Value (RSV)
1@Charisma Ko0911@Martial Strike Value (MSV)
1@Animal Magnetism1@Target Value (TV)
1@Damage Value
1@7Strength Be018
1@3Stamina Be017BIAS LEVELS
1@Intellect@Tech (Intellect/Intuition/Ed Level)
1@Intuition@Psi (Persuasion/Intuition/Will Power)
1@10Education Level@Mag (An-mag/Intellect/Intuition)
1@Will Power@Bod (Strength/Agility/Will Power)

Addictive personality, tobacco, alcohol, other substances.

Current Hair Style: 
Hair Color:  White Be001 Be036
Age:  50 Be001 Be036
Eye Color: 
Facial Hair: 
Birthmarks, Tatoos, or other unusual markings: 
Other Description:  Light-skinned, wears glasses Be001, tobacco-stained teeth Be025



1@51990’s Basic Technology Package (1@1 Basic Fire Skills Package (Maintain Solid Fuel Fire, Transfer Fire, Contain Fire, Extinguish Fire), 1@1 Soft Sculpture/Clay Molding, 1@2 Operate Lighter, 1@2 Operate Match, 1@3 Use Oven, 2@X Wheels Package, 2@1 Stitch & Sew, 3@X Use Standard Hand Tools, 3@1 Wedges, 3@1 Ramps, 3@2 Operate Locks & Keys, 3@5 Operate Scissors & Cutters, 4@1 Operate Bicycle, 4@1 Non-wheeled Pulley, 4@2 Wheeled Pulley, 4@3 Block & Tackle, 6@1 Operate Calipers & Micrometers, 6@1 Operate Explosive-driven Slug Thrower, 6@2 Use Lens, 6@2 Operate Scopes, 7@1 Operate Air Gun, 8@0 Operate Automatic Transmission Vehicle, 9@0 Operate Electrical Switches, 9@0 Operate Electrical Appliances, 9@0 Operate Telephone, 10@0 Operate Electronic Entertainment Equipment, 11@0 Computer Game Play)Tech X@XHome Be006
2@1Operate match (+20SM)Tech 1@2Home
2@1Operate spark and fuel lighter (+20SM)Tech 1@2Home
2@5CookTech 1@2Home Be007 Be008 Be011 Be039
2@5Use OvenTech 1@3Home Be038
1@10Use Standard Hand Tools (All 3@ Tool Use Skills)Tech 3@XHome
Be002 Be011 Be016 Be039
1@5Operate Small BoatTech 3@1Home B018
1@2Use ClaymoreTech 3@1Mechanoid Bunker Be034
1@5Fishing, Hook and LineTech 3@2Home Be018
1@1Glassworking PackageTech 5@XHome Be011
1@5Hard Metallurgy Package (blacksmithing)Tech 5@XDancing Princess Be010 Be011 Be020
1@5Operate ShotgunTech 6@1Home Be030 Be032
1@5Operate PistolTech 6@1Home Be002 Be022 Be033
1@1Operate Fixed ArtilleryTech 6@1Mechanoid Bunker Be040
1@1Operate Rail GunTech 9@1Mechanoid Bunker Be032
2@1Electronics PackageTech 10@XHome Be002 Be003
2@3Computer Technology PackageTech 11@XHome Be002 Be005 Be029 Be030 Be031 Be037
1@3Operate Function Machine (crawler)Tech 12@1Mechanoid Bunker Be030
1@General Science
LevelSkill Areas
1Control of Fire, Leather work, Pottery
2The Wheel, Woodwork, Cloth and Rope
3Inclines, Levers, Stonework
4Pulleys, Gears, Soft Metals
5Water Power, Hard Metals
6Lathes, Precision Tools, Explosives
7Steam and Pressure Power Systems
8Motors and Motor Fuels
9Electricity, Synthetics
11Computers, Planetary Travel
12Robotics, Nuclear Power, Genetic Engineering
Tech ?@0Home


2@2Language (English)Psi 0@0Home
1@10TeachPsi 0@1Home Be032 Be038 Be039 Be040


1@5History, EarthMag 0@0Home
1@5Engliish LiteratureMag 0@0Home
Understands why most languages are written left to right
Mag 0@0Home
1@10Role Playing GamesMag 0@0Home Be033
1@6Strategy/TacticsMag 0@0Home Be033
1@3Religious education
Cites story of David and Goliath
Mag 0@1Home Be011


X@XHuman Standard Sensory Package (2@5 Touch and pressure sensitivity Br0@0, 1@5 Chemical sensitivity Br0@1, 1@7 Gas & particular sensitivity Br0@1, 2@2 Pain Br0@2, 1@6 Heat sensitivity Br0@3, 1@5 Cold sensitivity Br0@3, 2@1 Photosensitivity Br0@4, 1@8 Auditory perception Br0@4, 1@6 Balance Br0@4, 2@5 Focus Br0@5, 1@2 Tactile imaging Br0@5, 1@8 Pitch discrimination Br0@6, 1@8 Stereo directional sense Br0@7, 2@5 Color perception Br0@8, 2@8 Depth perception Br0@8)Bod 0@XHome
X@XHuman Standard Body Package (2@3 Manipulate Object Br0@1; 1@1 Generate Pheromone Signal Br0@2; 2@7 Generate Sound Signal Br0@2; 2@3 Sitting Br1@0; 2@1 Rise to All Limbs Br1@1; 1@5 Multi-legged Crawl 2mph Br1@3; 2@5 Stand Erect B2@1; 2@1 Walk at Walking Speeds 3mph B2@4: 1@10 Jog 3mph B3@3; 1@5 Dash 300' B3@4; 1@5 Sprint 990' B3@5; 1@5 Run 71/2 mph (one mile/eight minutes) B3@6; 1@1 Ground-based Rolling B4@1; 1@5 Reaching Jumps 10² B5@1; 1@5 Low Obstacles 12² B5@1; 1@3 Running High Jump 4' 6² B5@3; 1@5 Standing Long Jump 6' B5@3; 1@2 Running Long Jump 9' B5@3)Bod X@XHome Be022
?@?SwimmingBod 1@2Home
?@?Climb ?Bod 1@3Home
1@?Dash ??'Bod 3@4Home


Red Duffel BagR ShouldHome Be001 Be039
Cigarettes, packShirt pocketHome Be001 Be003 Be006 Be007 Be019 Be021 Be025 Be028 Be031 Be037 Be039
Red BackpackL ShoulderHome Be001 Be039
FlashlightDuffelHome Be001 Be033
Claymore, with scabbard, heavy somewhat functional decorative weaponBeltHome Be001
.45 Revolver Be033
6 bullets
HolsterSpace Prison Be001 Be002 Be022 Be036
Bullets, boxPocketSpace Prison Be001 Be025
ScrewdriverDuffelHome Be002
Pyronics 2000, red with shoulder strap
Quiet hum when ready, dial, large button, small button on side, delivers wave of sonic energy doing significant damage to biological matter, four power positions using quarter, half, or full power (that is, 4, 2, or 1 shot), top setting called “liquefy”, rechargeable.
Given to Turbirb'durpa
R ShoulderSpace Prison Be003 Be035
Cartons of Cigarettes, number unstatedDuffelSpace Prison Be003 Be038
Meerschaum pipe, carved as dragonPocketDancing Princess Be008 Be009
2 Towels
One given to Bron, one given to Dawn Dancing Princess
DuffelHome Be017
Cigarette LighterPocketHome Be019
Gems, "as many as he could carry"BackpackDancing Princess Be023 Be038
Dragon Control Ring
Botched, controls dragon, but brings tremendous euphoria and blackout to an altered personality of which he has no memories.
Backpack?Be023 Be024
Wedding RingL ring fingerDancing Princess Be024
Gun belt with holster for .45WaistMechanoid Bunker Be030
BlanketBackpackHome Be035
White Jockey ShortsWornHome Be037
TrousersWornHome Be037
Shirt with PocketWornHome Be037

Known Exclusions

No reloader for revolver Be033

World List
Stage 1
Be005 Be025
2 Be041

  1. NagaWorld:  shot by Kreelak Be001 Be005
  2. Prison Space Station Be001 sucked through small hole into space Be005
  3. Dancing Princess Be006 killed by dragon fire Be024
  4. Mechanoid Bunker B025 killed by artillery strike Be040
  5. Current World

Identified Characteristics

Smoker Be001
Heavy drinker Be008 Be009 Be023 does not sleep long or deeply without alcohol Be028
Seeks mind-altering substances Be009 but does not experiment with drugs without some advance expectations Be038
Accustomed to awakening with hangover headache Be024
Can don pants both legs at once Be037

Personal History

Initial explanation for his situation is he was abducted by aliens Be001. Previously married Be011, always falls for redheads Be019, divorced Be025.

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