Preface to Cults of the Past
Hargin of Selna

  Our forefathers engaged in many and various political activities in the names of their various philosophies and creeds.  A few of them have become legendary.  But, as is the nature of legends, the truth is often lost in the layers of myth which cling to the original story.  What child has not heard the tales of Torman Gorg, the Freedom Fighter who single-handedly ended oppression in the Eastern Valley?  How many times have we been told of the victory of Moradin's Army over the Orcs of the Red Stone?  And who does not know the stories of the Gold Link?  Yet these are unconfirmed, perhaps even unfounded, rumors, amplified in the telling, even created beside countless firesides to pass the time and encourage believers.  These tales are great in themselves, masterful lessons in life, wondrous words of wisdom, marvelous bits of insight and encouragement with which parents may instruct their children, teachers their students, and clerics their flocks; but they have little value to the historian.

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  In these pages, I have endeavored to ferret out the truth--not necessarily the whole truth, but nothing but the truth.  I have also sought to keep the material brief, focusing on what is known and what is necessary to pursue further inquiries.  The articles cited are the most reliable texts, ancient and modern, on the various sects; and the selection has been limited to those groups whose existence is at least plausible--no references to the spurious Legions of Osiris, the imitative Army of Corellon Larethian, or the rather doubtful Party of Zeus.

  I would thank the several persons who helped in the work.  My research assistant and student Milak and my son Borga were most helpful in collecting the many texts, and in reading and reviewing these for useful information.  Professor Talan read many of the draft sections, and gave many useful suggestions and insights.  Our scribe Gartahk of Neelds put up with much writing and re-writing throughout the project.  To the many others for whom I have no room to name, I thank all for their assistance.

  And to the reader, I hope that this humble effort shall enlighten you as well.  Remember, the future is like the past, unless we learn from the past.

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