Commandant Igmahn
Prisoner Holding Unit 39
New London Division
Department of Justice
Earth Force
--Anti Terrorist Unit 7 delivered the prisoner known only as "Darien" into custody at 9:13 A.M.  Charges included 1) being outside the city without a pass; 2) consorting with known terrorists; 3) conspiring to subvert the lawful government of earth.  His trial being scheduled for the next day, he was fed, and slept quietly through the night.

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--Prisoner Darien was permitted to confer with his attorney at 8:27 A.M.  Recordings of this conference were made in accordance with section 337b of the Privacy Revocation Act, and forwarded to justice department attorneys to be used as evidence in the trial.  The attorney has filed for physical examination of the prisoner, to seek evidence that the prisoner may have been injured and/or drugged, in accordance with the defense contention that Darius was delivered there by person or persons unknown, and was not present to attend the terrorist gathering.
--Shortly after being returned to his cell, at 10:19 A.M., prisoner Darien cried out that he was bleeding.  Guards immediately responded, discovered a fresh head wound, and removed the prisoner to the secured medical bay.  Here he was examined by Dr. Petrick, whose report is attached.
--Forensics examined the cell at 10:31 A.M., and determined that the prisoner struck his head against the wall to the rear of the cell.  It is the opinion of the forensics investigator that the position of the blood suggest that the wound was intentionally self-inflicted, although it is conceeded that it could have been due to an attack upon the prisoner, or, as a remote possibility, an accidental impact if the character slipped.
--The prisoner was returned to his cell at 12:22 P.M., held until 1:50 P.M., at which point he was escorted under guard to the court room for trial.
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