First Edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons™ Character Creation
...another useful RPG site from M. J. Young Net
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AD&D Deities:  Hobbits
  Hobbits tend to worship a pantheon of benevolent gods.  These may be selected by player characters, especially those of the halfling races.  Kender are technically not Halflings, and adhere to Krynn gods.

 Yondalla is a greater goddess, lawful good like her halfling worshippers.  She is provider and protector, a goddess of fertility, growth, birth, and youth who also defends her followers.  Services to worship her are held once a week, on what is called "safeday".

 Sheela Peryroyl The Wise is a true neutral lesser goddess worshipped by all alignments.  Her province includes agriculture, nature, and weather.

 Arvoreen The Defender is a lawful good lesser god worshipped by all good and morally neutral warriors--fighters and fighter/thieves.  Although he is as near as the halflings have to a god of war, he believes in combat for defensive purposes, and he himself never attacks until assaulted.  Although there are many fighter/thieves among his worshippers, he discourages thieving, and insists that it be limited to use against enemies to bring about victory, and not to enrich oneself.

 Cyrrollalee The Faithful is lawful good, and worshipped by those of all good alignments.  This lesser goddess protects the home, and stands for friendships and trust.  She opposes thieves who steal from the homes of hobbits, and anyone who breaks an oath.  There are a few fighters among the mostly common folk who follow her.

 Brandobaris is only a demigod, but this Master of Stealth is worshipped by all thieves and other adventurers, especially fighter/thieves, regardless of whether they match his true neutral alignment.  He honors those who take exceptional risks, and his followers tend to be daring.

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The site which inspired this site....

M. J. Young's Dungeons & Dragons Materials
Collection of such pages as the much-praised Alignment Quiz, What is an RPG? (excerpted from Multiverser), the highly valued Confessions of a Dungeons & Dragons™ Addict, along with special rules and player aids in both written and computer formats, this site was highly praised by RAWS, linked by Gary Gygax, and is worth a look even if you don't like what you found here.

The best new role playing game....

The Multiverser Information Center
The complexity of creating a D&D character always reminds me of how much simpler it is to play
Multiverser®, the game which incorporates all other games, all other worlds, everything imaginable, with nothing else to buy.

A consideration of time travel....

Temporal Anomalies in Popular Movies
There are enough time travel films out there now that most of the things which could go wrong in time have been shown on the silver screen.  This page applies a new conception of how time works (discussed in the
Multiverser® game system to help referees sort out game scenarios in which player characters travel in time) to unraveling the most popular of such movies.  An Event Horizon Hot Spot and Sci Fi Weekly Site of the Week which has won the author national recognition as an authority on time travel in fiction.

Other writings by the author....

Index to the Pages of M. J. Young
An eclectic collection of materials which includes RPG stories, commentary on law and Bible, song lyrics, and indices to material all over the web.

For your added enlightenment....

Other Links of Interest
Pages related to Dungeons & Dragons, role playing games, and more.

M. J. Young Net