Captain's Log
Captain Johnson
Mary Piper
Thirteenth Voyage
Day 105
  Four days out of Emerald, and we have a stowaway.  He seems to be disoriented, perhaps ill--Evans has him in sickbay, examining him carefully.

  It seems he was in the cargo bay.  He had broken open one of the boxes of ore, and thrown some of it around the room; it is suspected that he

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was looking for food, and was upset that he hadn't found it.  He was splayed on the floor when Walters entered the cargo hold and turned on the light.  Seeing the stranger in the hold, he drew his blaster, ordered the man not to move, and asked how he got on board.  At this point, the man almost shouted, "Oh, its a ship!", and began babbling about a city of glass and a giant spider.  Walters immediately called for backup and a medical team to meet him there.  They strapped him to a gurney, and delivered him to medical.

  Medical has run drug screens, tox screens, brainwave scans; they've looked at his skull with X-rays, ultrasonics, magnetics.  Thus far the studies are inconclusive.  No one is certain why he is delirious.

  Thus far we've gotten a name from him.  He said his name was Wesley--"Snipes" Wesley, I believe.  Hopefully when he recovers we'll be able to find out more about him.  At the moment, it's very much a mystery.


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