Report of movements of human outside Umak Tek.

A solitary human was detected on the plains at Moonlight 2.020; neither its presence on the plains nor its means of transport to that point was noted.  It has not been identified.

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It had apparently been resting, as it rose from reclining on the ground.  It is possible that it had fallen from flight; although no flight was detected, the humans have demonstrated the ability to appear and disappear from our scanners without warning.  It collected equipment scattered about it before proceeding.  It went directly toward the Kreelak lines, utilizing bipedal locomotion, periodically changing velocity.

By Moonlight 2.307 it encountered a large grazer.  It approached, examined the creature, climbed on top of it and remained there until 2.512, but then continued traveling toward the lines.

At 3.403 it again rested, reclining on the ground until encountering another large grazer at 3.599.  The human waited silently, unmoving, in the grazer's path, and then permitted itself to be lifted inside the creature, emerging at Daylight 0.226 to continue traveling in the same direction.

At 0.408 it encountered a large carnivore.  It approached the creature directly, adjusting as the creature moved laterally to triangulate the human's position.  Then the creature attacked, burning the thin protective woven covering on the human's lower appendage.  The human charged on the attacker, disabling it with a small cloth, and destroying it with an unidentified blunt object.  From the remains of the creature, the human salvaged the two pieces of the attack focusing system.  It immediately resumed its previous vector.

At 1.029 the human disappeared from our scanners as it entered the cloaked area at secured location 19.  It never emerged.  Subsequent investigation has attempted to reconstruct the creature's movements within the complex of captured Kreelak equipment.  It immediately discovered a trip wire which set off an explosion.  Surviving this, it moved farther into the location, and identified a motion sensor.  The sensor was activated by a strange metal disk projected into its field, which was damaged by a cutting laser.  Moving toward the laser, the human then broke light beam which released a kinetic blast which impacted on one of the objects present; triggered a sonic sensor activating a broad-field sonic flesh decomposer; upset a trip wire which unleashed a mechanically destabilized debris cascade; and again activated the motion sensor causing the laser to activate.  It is not known whether any of these weapons impacted.  The human apparently escaped the area undetected thereafter.  The time of this departure is unknown, but is estimated at Daylight 1.06.

The creature has not been seen since.  At no time was there any contact with Dar Koni forces, nor was there any detected contact with Human no-shoots or Kreelak infidels.  Surveillance continues.

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