10 CLS 0 20 CLEAR 100 PRINT "GAMER PREFERENCES QUIZ" 105 PRINT " " 110 PRINT "In studying role playing games, players have noticed several ways in" 115 PRINT "which they differ. These have become the basis of many discussions" 120 PRINT "about the nature of gaming and games." 125 PRINT " " 130 PRINT "One outcome of these discussions is the theory that gamers should be" 135 PRINT "matched to the games they play and the people with whom they play them." 140 PRINT " " 145 PRINT "This quiz attempts to identify a player's preferences in relation to" 150 PRINT "two distinct models of game concepts:" 155 PRINT " }Gamist, Narrativist, and Simulationist Goals (G/N/S)" 160 PRINT " }Drama, Fortune, and Karma Mechanics (D/K/S)" 175 PRINT " " 180 INPUT "Before the quiz begins, would you like information about these paradigms (y/n)"; a$ 190 IF a$ <> "y" GOTO 400 200 REM discussion of G/N/S Paradigm 205 CLS 210 PRINT "The Gamist/Narrativist/Simulationist (G/N/S) paradigm is about gaming goals." 215 PRINT " " 220 PRINT "Gamists focus on the competitive aspects of a game. The adventure is a" 225 PRINT "challenge constructed of obstacles to overcome in an effort to obtain a" 230 PRINT "prize or reach a goal. Character development involves gaining advantages to" 235 PRINT "assist in this effort. The object is to win the game." 240 PRINT " " 245 PRINT "Narrativists are developing a story. Winning and losing is irrelevant;" 250 PRINT "what matters is that something memorable emerges, a tale worth telling again." 255 PRINT " " 260 PRINT "Simulationists are experiencing a world, a time and a place. The game is a" 265 PRINT "set of rules that define the world and the people and events within it, such" 270 PRINT "that as you play you discover what might have happened in such a world. It" 280 PRINT "doesn't matter whether we like what happened; it is the discovery itself that" 285 PRINT "has value." 290 PRINT " " 295 INPUT "Press Enter to continue...."; z 300 REM D/F/K Paradigm discussion 305 CLS 310 PRINT "The Drama/Fortune/Karma paradigm is about event resolution, the mechanics which" 315 PRINT "make the game run." 320 PRINT " " 325 PRINT "Karma mechanics are a straightforward comparison of character values: the" 330 PRINT "character with the higher score wins a competition involving that score;" 335 PRINT "in-game obstacles are overcome by those whose scores beat a difficulty rating" 340 PRINT "for the obstacle." 345 PRINT " " 350 PRINT "Fortune mechanics use dice or cards or other randomizers to add a bit of risk to" 355 PRINT "the outcome--there is usually a chance of failure even for the best, and the" 360 PRINT "underdog might defeat a superior opponent on a lucky chance." 365 PRINT " " 370 PRINT "Drama mechanics place outcomes solely in the hands of people, usually the" 375 PRINT "referee but often the players individually or collectively. Outcomes are based" 380 PRINT "primarily on the decisions of people, not directly on either a die roll or a" 385 PRINT "score comparison." 390 PRINT " " 391 GOSUB 5000 395 INPUT "Press Enter to continue with the quiz...."; z 400 REM Quiz Begins 405 CLS 415 PRINT "For each question, a statement or situation is given, followed by a series of" 420 PRINT "statements about it. For each of those statements, rate the outcome from 0 to" 425 PRINT "4, where 0 does not represent your feelings or thoughts at all and 4 is a very" 430 PRINT "close representation of your thoughts and feelings." 435 PRINT " " 440 PRINT "In selecting your answer, consider both what the question specifically" 441 PRINT "asks and the idea behind it. If you see an answer that is exactly what you" 442 PRINT "think, that clearly gets a 4; however, if you see an answer which seems to" 443 PRINT "agree with a principle you think is important but isn't exactly the way you" 444 PRINT "would do it, you would probably give it a 3. A 2 should indicate things" 445 PRINT "about which you are either genuinely conflicted or genuinely apathetic." 446 PRINT "1 should show some degree of distaste for the idea expressed, but 0 should" 447 PRINT "be used for those answers in which you would not only not do that but would" 448 PRINT "object to the reasons for which it might be done even in a less egregious" 449 PRINT "situation." 450 PRINT " " 460 PRINT "Answer each question based on the best games you have played, and on" 465 PRINT "what you would like your games to be like in the future." 490 INPUT "Press Enter for your first question."; z 500 CLS 505 PRINT "1) The characters are pursuing their enemy in a modern-day gritty secret agent" 510 PRINT TAB(5); "RPG (no magic). They have been on his trail for many months (game and real" 515 PRINT TAB(5); "time) and are about to raid his secret headquarters when his car bursts out" 520 PRINT TAB(5); "of an underground garage and hurtles straight at them. They scatter, and" 525 PRINT TAB(5); "one of them pulls his gun and fires a shot at the fleeing car. It explodes." 530 PRINT TAB(5); "The bad guy dies. End of story." 540 PRINT "This is a bad ending because there was no climax to the story." 541 INPUT "Rating (0-4)"; n1 548 IF n1 < 0 OR n1 > 4 GOTO 540 549 n = n1 550 PRINT "This is a bad ending because it's unrealistic for a car to explode on a single" 551 PRINT TAB(5); "shot." 552 INPUT "Rating (0-4)"; s1 558 IF s1 < 0 OR s1 > 4 GOTO 550 559 s = s1 560 PRINT "This is a bad ending because the players didn't get to defeat the enemy in a" 561 PRINT TAB(5); "challenging confrontation." 562 INPUT "Rating (0-4)"; g1 568 IF g1 < 0 OR g1 > 4 GOTO 560 569 g = g1 570 PRINT "This ending is acceptable if it came from a very lucky die roll." 571 INPUT "Rating (0-4)"; f1 578 IF f1 < 0 OR f1 > 4 GOTO 570 579 f = f1 580 PRINT "This ending is acceptable if the character making the shot is extremely skilled" 581 PRINT TAB(5); "at destroying cars." 582 INPUT "Rating (0-4)"; k1 588 IF k1 < 0 OR k1 > 4 GOTO 580 589 k = k1 590 PRINT "This ending is acceptable if the players are tired of this story and want to" 591 PRINT TAB(5); "move on to other things." 592 INPUT "Rating (0-4)"; d1 599 d = d1 600 CLS 605 PRINT "2) You are finally up against the chief villain, what some call the big boss" 601 PRINT TAB(5); "of the whole game. Combat begins, and it's going to be a massive fight." 640 PRINT "At this point, the flow of the action is more important than the details of" 641 PRINT TAB(5); "the rules." 642 INPUT "Rating (0-4)"; n2 648 IF n2 < 0 OR n2 > 4 GOTO 640 649 n = n + n2 650 PRINT "It's vital that combat accurately follow the rules for a true and honest" 651 PRINT TAB(5); "outcome." 652 INPUT "Rating (0-4)"; s2 658 IF s2 < 0 OR s2 > 4 GOTO 650 659 s = s + s2 660 PRINT "Game mechanics matter to the degree that they can be used tactically as" 661 PRINT TAB(5); "part of the strategy." 662 INPUT "Rating (0-4)"; g2 668 IF g2 < 0 OR g2 > 4 GOTO 660 669 g = g + g2 670 PRINT "The only reasonable outcome is for the more skilled, better equipped, better" 671 PRINT TAB(5); "deployed side to win." 672 INPUT "Rating (0-4)"; k2 678 IF k2 < 0 OR k2 > 4 GOTO 670 679 k = k + k2 680 PRINT "Dice are essential, because they add that touch of unpredictability to the" 681 PRINT TAB(5); "situation." 682 INPUT "Rating (0-4)"; f2 688 IF f2 < 0 OR f2 > 4 GOTO 680 689 f = f + f2 690 PRINT "The referee should act skillfully to assure the best outcome." 691 INPUT "Rating (0-4)"; d2 698 IF d2 < 0 OR d2 > 4 GOTO 690 699 d = d + d2 700 CLS 705 PRINT "3) At the beginning of the new adventure, the characters are to be" 706 PRINT TAB(5); "delivered to the new planet in cryonic suspension capsules." 707 PRINT TAB(5); "The module indicates that they have no choice, but must travel this way" 708 PRINT TAB(5); "in order to continue the adventure. This mode of transport is not safe; two" 709 PRINT TAB(5); "percent of those who attempt to travel this way, according to the rules, are" 710 PRINT TAB(5); "never revived. A key player character, the party's best fighter, dies." 740 PRINT "The rule should not apply; this is plot exposition, explaining how the party" 741 PRINT TAB(5); "traveled. The adventure begins when they arrive." 742 INPUT "Rating (0-4)"; n3 748 IF n3 < 0 OR n3 > 4 GOTO 740 749 n = n + n3 750 PRINT "The character may die, but only after he fails a saving throw." 752 INPUT "Rating (0-4)"; g3 758 IF g3 < 0 OR g3 > 4 GOTO 750 759 g = g + g3 760 PRINT "The players knew the risk when their characters boarded the ship, so the result" 761 PRINT TAB(5); "stands." 762 INPUT "Rating (0-4)"; s3 768 IF s3 < 0 OR s3 > 4 GOTO 760 769 s = s + s3 770 PRINT "These unexpected twists are an important part of the game experience." 771 INPUT "Rating (0-4)"; f3 778 IF f3 < 0 OR f3 > 4 GOTO 770 779 f = f + f3 780 PRINT "A fairer result would be obtained by basing the outcome on character" 781 PRINT TAB(5); "constitution rather than pure chance." 782 INPUT "Rating (0-4)"; k3 788 IF k3 < 0 OR k3 > 4 GOTO 780 789 k = k + k3 790 PRINT "The players should designate a non-player character to die instead of one of the" 791 PRINT TAB(5); "player characters." 792 INPUT "Rating (0-4)"; d3 798 IF d3 < 0 OR d3 > 4 GOTO 790 799 d = d + d3 800 CLS 805 PRINT "4) Your character is arrested and put in prison for a year. The game continues" 806 PRINT TAB(5); "with the other players." 840 PRINT "There's an opportunity here to try to escape." 841 INPUT "Rating (0-4)"; g4 848 IF g4 < 0 OR g4 > 4 GOTO 840 849 g = g + g4 850 PRINT "It will be important that my character does what he can to keep healthy and fit" 851 PRINT TAB(5); "while incarcerated." 852 INPUT "Rating (0-4)"; s4 858 IF s4 < 0 OR s4 > 4 GOTO 850 859 s = s + s4 860 PRINT "The situation is tolerable if my character can develop through interaction" 861 PRINT TAB(5); "with the other prisoners and guards." 862 INPUT "Rating (0-4)"; n4 868 IF n4 < 0 OR n4 > 4 GOTO 860 869 n = n + n4 870 PRINT "I should have had a saving throw to avoid this." 871 INPUT "Rating (0-4)"; f4 878 IF f4 < 0 OR f4 > 4 GOTO 870 879 f = f + f4 880 PRINT "I play my 'improve outcome of events' card to reduce the sentence to parole." 882 INPUT "Rating (0-4)"; d4 888 IF d4 < 0 OR d4 > 4 GOTO 880 889 d = d + d4 890 PRINT "I will be fine if my stealth score beats the guards' perception scores." 891 892 INPUT "Rating (0-4)"; k4 898 IF k4 < 0 OR k4 > 4 GOTO 890 899 k = k + k4 900 CLS 905 PRINT "5) Role playing games are in some ways a lot like..." 940 PRINT "Fictionary or Malarky, where description is a valuable skill." 941 INPUT "Rating (0-4)"; d5 948 IF d5 < 0 OR d5 > 4 GOTO 940 949 d = d + d5 950 PRINT "Stratego, because the trick is assessing opponent strengths." 951 INPUT "Rating (0-4)"; k5 958 IF k5 < 0 OR k5 > 4 GOTO 950 959 k = k + k5 960 PRINT "Risk, where a lot depends on luck." 961 INPUT "Rating (0-4)"; f5 968 IF f5 < 0 OR f5 > 4 GOTO 960 969 f = f + f5 970 PRINT "Civil War Reenactments, because it seems so real." 971 INPUT "Rating (0-4)"; s5 978 IF s5 < 0 OR s5 > 4 GOTO 970 979 s = s + s5 980 PRINT "Improvisational acting, as you craft the story together." 981 INPUT "Rating (0-4)"; n5 988 IF n5 < 0 OR n5 > 4 GOTO 980 989 n = n + n5 990 PRINT "Football, in that you give it everything you've got to win." 991 INPUT "Rating (0-4)"; g5 998 IF g5 < 0 OR g5 > 4 GOTO 990 999 g = g + g5 1000 CLS 1005 PRINT "6) Fleeing pursuit through some caves, you must cross a chasm wider than your" 1006 PRINT TAB(5); "height. You have no special gear, and there's no running room." 1040 PRINT "My character sheet should clearly state whether I will successfully jump" 1041 PRINT TAB(5); "that far." 1042 INPUT "Rating (0-4)"; k6 1048 IF k6 < 0 OR k6 > 4 GOTO 1040 1049 k = k + k6 1050 PRINT "I remind the referee that my character is a renowned acrobat." 1052 INPUT "Rating (0-4)"; d6 1058 IF d6 < 0 OR d6 > 4 GOTO 1050 1059 d = d + d6 1060 PRINT "No matter how good I am, the dice could go against me." 1061 INPUT "Rating (0-4)"; f6 1068 IF f6 < 0 OR f6 > 4 GOTO 1060 1069 f = f + f6 1070 PRINT "The chasm is a natural part of the terrain which makes the caves more" 1071 PRINT TAB(5); "real." 1072 INPUT "Rating (0-4)"; s6 1078 IF s6 < 0 OR s6 > 4 GOTO 1070 1079 s = s + s6 1080 PRINT "The chasm is a challenge to overcome to reach the goal." 1081 INPUT "Rating (0-4)"; g6 1088 IF g6 < 0 OR g6 > 4 GOTO 1080 1089 g = g + g6 1090 PRINT "The chasm increases the dramatic tension at this moment." 1091 INPUT "Rating (0-4)"; n6 1098 IF n6 < 0 OR n6 > 4 GOTO 1090 1099 n = n + n6 1100 CLS 2000 CLS 2005 PRINT "Results:" 2010 x = g: GOSUB 3000 2012 PRINT "Gamism: "; g 2013 PRINT r$ 2020 x = n: GOSUB 3000 2022 PRINT "Narrativism: "; n 2023 PRINT r$ 2030 x = s: GOSUB 3000 2032 PRINT "Simulationism: "; s 2033 PRINT r$ 2040 x = d: GOSUB 3000 2042 PRINT "Drama resolution systems: "; d 2043 PRINT r$ 2050 x = f: GOSUB 3000 2052 PRINT "Fortune resolution systems: "; f 2053 PRINT r$ 2060 x = k: GOSUB 3000 2062 PRINT "Karma resolution systems: "; k 2063 PRINT r$ 2070 PRINT " " 2080 INPUT "Would you like an analysis of your answers (y/n)"; a$ 2085 IF a$ <> "y" GOTO 4680 2090 PRINT "Please select format:" 2091 PRINT TAB(5); "0) Never mind, end here." 2092 PRINT TAB(5); "1) Question by Question." 2093 PRINT TAB(5); "2) Concept by Concept." 2094 PRINT TAB(5); "3) Both." 2095 INPUT h 2096 IF h < 1 GOTO 4680 2097 IF h = 2 GOTO 4000 2098 IF h > 3 GOTO 2090 2100 CLS 2101 PRINT "The first question presents a potentially unsatisfactory ending to a long" 2102 PRINT TAB(5); "adventure. It determines goals (G/N/S) by focusing on why the ending" 2103 PRINT TAB(5); "might be unsatisfactory; it determines resolutions (D/F/K) by asking" 2104 PRINT TAB(5); "what might make it acceptable." 2105 PRINT " " 2106 PRINT "This question will skew the results overall, depending on whether the player" 2107 PRINT TAB(5); "thought it a good or bad outcome. Those who thought it a bad outcome" 2108 PRINT TAB(5); "generally did not forgive it, and so ranked all the mechanics answers" 2109 PRINT TAB(5); "(drama/fortune/karma) very low, while those who thought this a particularly" 2110 PRINT TAB(5); "good outcome couldn't see a reason to dislike it, and so ranked the goals" 2111 PRINT TAB(5); "answers (gamist/narrativist/simulationist) low. It is thought that" 2112 PRINT TAB(5); "this shift in the results helps distinguish whether the player is more" 2113 PRINT TAB(5); "concerned about goals or mechanics." 2114 INPUT "Press enter to continue..."; z 2115 PRINT "The first answer focuses on the missing climax, that the story is over but" 2116 PRINT TAB(5); "unresolved. This is a major narrativist concern." 2117 IF n1 = 0 THEN PRINT "You rated this 0, indicating no concern about the climax of the story." 2118 IF n1 = 1 THEN PRINT "You rated this 1, showing little concern for this." 2119 IF n1 = 2 THEN PRINT "Your rating of 2 here shows that story concerns matter to you to some degree." 2120 IF n1 = 3 THEN PRINT "A 3 rating shows significant concern that stories have satisfactory endings." 2121 IF n1 = 4 THEN PRINT "You gave this the maximum rating of 4, a major concern for you." 2122 PRINT "The second answer balks at the idea that a car hit by a bullet would explode." 2123 PRINT TAB(5); "This is a concern about the representation of the reality, a Simulationist" 2124 PRINT TAB(5); "concern." 2125 IF s1 = 0 THEN PRINT "You had no problem with the car exploding, as shown by your 0 rating." 2126 IF s1 = 1 THEN PRINT "An exploding car bothered you, but not much, as you rated this 1." 2127 IF s1 = 2 THEN PRINT "This was enough of a problem to catch your attention, rating it 2." 2128 IF s1 = 3 THEN PRINT "Arguably, your 3 rating shows the explosion snapped your disbelief suspenders." 2129 IF s1 = 4 THEN PRINT "You found the unreality of this unacceptable, and rated it 4." 2130 PRINT "The Gamist plays for the contest, and the third answer suggests that the player" 2131 PRINT TAB(5); "was cheated out of the opportunity to play the battle scene." 2132 IF g1 = 0 THEN PRINT "You had no eagerness to face that battle, rating this 0." 2133 IF g1 = 1 THEN PRINT "Your 1 rating suggests you would have preferred the battle, but not greatly." 2134 IF g1 = 2 THEN PRINT "A 2 here says you enjoy a good fight, but can take it or leave it." 2135 IF g1 = 3 THEN PRINT "A 3 here shows you like the action of a battle and would want a chance to fight." 2136 IF g1 = 4 THEN PRINT "Those climactic battles are a key point in your gaming, your 4 rating suggests." 2140 PRINT " " 2141 INPUT "Press enter to continue...."; z 2150 PRINT "For years fortune-based gamers have said 'The dice never lie', and this question" 2151 PRINT TAB(5); "allows you to defer to them as a reason for this outcome." 2152 IF f1 = 0 THEN PRINT "Your 0 rating here suggests that you would as soon be rid of dice here." 2153 IF f1 = 1 THEN PRINT "On rating 1, you probably accept the results but not happily." 2154 IF f1 = 2 THEN PRINT "A 2 suggests that a die roll makes you feel a bit better about unfair" 2155 IF f1 = 2 THEN PRINT TAB(5); "or unrealistic results." 2156 IF f1 = 3 THEN PRINT "Your 3 here suggests that you aren't terribly bothered in this situation." 2157 IF f1 = 4 THEN PRINT "You probably like the idea that a lucky roll gave you a win without a fight," 2158 IF f1 = 4 THEN PRINT TAB(5); "as you rated this 4." 2160 PRINT "Karma resolutions look to the abilities of the characters directly." 2161 PRINT TAB(5); "The fifth answer asks whether the skill of the character matters." 2162 IF k1 = 0 THEN PRINT "Your 0 rating here suggests that this would leave you dissatisfied." 2163 IF k1 = 1 THEN PRINT "Rating this 1 suggests that it does not." 2164 IF k1 = 2 THEN PRINT "You find this a moderately acceptable suggestion, rating it 2." 2165 IF k1 = 3 THEN PRINT "Strong skills and abilities play an important part in the game on a 3 rating." 2166 IF k1 = 4 THEN PRINT "A 4 here says that you like this outcome if based on character strengths." 2170 PRINT "If you would allow an out-of-game issue change an in-game situation, you" 2171 PRINT TAB(5); "probably like drama-based resolution." 2172 IF d1 = 0 THEN PRINT "A 0 here says that no one should be able to end the game for non-game reasons." 2173 IF d1 = 1 THEN PRINT "A 1 here suggests that you're uncomfortable with this." 2174 IF d1 = 2 THEN PRINT "Rating this 2 suggests that you might do this once in a while." 2175 IF d1 = 3 THEN PRINT "You are likely to end a story early by fiat rather than just drop it" 2176 IF d1 = 3 THEN PRINT TAB(5); "since you said 3." 2177 IF d1 = 4 THEN PRINT "On 4, you like the idea that you control the story and can scrap it if you want." 2180 INPUT "Press Enter to Continue...."; z 2200 CLS 2201 PRINT "The second question asks how you handle a major combat which is also a" 2202 PRINT TAB(5); "major plot point." 2203 PRINT " " 2210 PRINT "Narrativists want to focus on story, and move combat at a quick pace, by" 2211 PRINT TAB(5); "minimizing details." 2212 IF n2 = 0 THEN PRINT "Your 0 here suggests that plot doesn't matter as compared with other concerns." 2213 IF n2 = 1 THEN PRINT "Your 1 here says that combat details are more important to you than story." 2214 IF n2 = 2 THEN PRINT "Rating this 2 suggests that you would give a little for story reasons." 2215 IF n2 = 3 THEN PRINT "On a strong 3 rating you probably cut corners for story." 2216 IF n2 = 4 THEN PRINT "You care more about story flow than the details of play, giving this 4." 2220 PRINT "By contrast, simulationists want major moments to be letter-perfect." 2221 IF s2 = 0 THEN PRINT "A 0 rating means you don't care about the accuracy of combat details." 2222 IF s2 = 1 THEN PRINT "A 1 rating suggests that detailed combat annoys you when it slows the game." 2223 IF s2 = 2 THEN PRINT "A 2 rating tends toward compromise on this." 2224 IF s2 = 3 THEN PRINT "With a 3, you are concerned about simulating the combat accurately." 2225 IF s2 = 4 THEN PRINT "You rated this 4, suggesting accuracy in simulation is very important to you." 2230 PRINT "Gamists will vary on the degree to which mechanics may slow the game, but" 2231 PRINT TAB(5); "they agree that you win by using the rules to your advantage." 2232 IF g2 = 0 THEN PRINT "Tactical use of game rules probably seems like cheating to you, by your 0 here." 2233 IF g2 = 1 THEN PRINT "A 1 suggests that tactical use of game rules disinterests you." 2234 IF g2 = 2 THEN PRINT "Since you gave this a 2, you probably see the tactical use of rules as part of" 2235 IF g2 = 2 THEN PRINT TAB(5); "the game, but don't do it much yourself." 2236 IF g2 = 3 THEN PRINT "You consider taking advantage of the rules to be part of play, giving this 3." 2237 IF g2 = 4 THEN PRINT "A 4 says that the tactical use of game rules is a significant part of your" 2238 IF g2 = 4 THEN PRINT TAB(5); "combat approach." 2240 PRINT " " 2241 INPUT "To continue, press Enter...."; z 2250 PRINT "For some, the better man-or side-should always win. That is the Karma outcome." 2251 IF k2 = 0 THEN PRINT "Your 0 here says you don't think relative strength should ever be decisive." 2252 IF k2 = 1 THEN PRINT "Your 1 here suggests that relative strength should be a minimal factor." 2253 IF k2 = 2 THEN PRINT "Relative strength plays some part, determining some but not all outcomes on a 2." 2254 IF k2 = 3 THEN PRINT "3 suggests you are comfortable with a system that gives an edge to the strong" 2255 IF k2 = 3 THEN PRINT TAB(5); "side." 2256 IF k2 = 4 THEN PRINT "Rating this 4, you probably prefer to settle conflict by direct comparison" 2257 IF k2 = 4 THEN PRINT TAB(5); "of abilities." 2260 PRINT "Fortune players like dice because they create uncertainty." 2261 IF f2 = 0 THEN PRINT "You don't, and gave this a 0 to say so." 2262 IF f2 = 1 THEN PRINT "You would rather keep uncertainty to a minimum, based on your rating of 1." 2263 IF f2 = 2 THEN PRINT "Your 2 suggests that uncertainty has its place, but shouldn't dominate." 2264 IF f2 = 3 THEN PRINT "Given your rating of 3, a chance element is important to your combat experience." 2265 IF f2 = 4 THEN PRINT "Diceless systems probably annoy you; a 4 suggests that rolls are very important." 2270 PRINT "With a drama system, the outcome is decided by people at the table, usually" 2271 PRINT TAB(5); "the referee, who can easily arrange the desired result." 2272 IF d2 = 0 THEN PRINT "You gave this 0, which says that arranged outcomes strike you as contrived." 2273 IF d2 = 1 THEN PRINT "Your 1 suggests you're uncomfortable with the referee having too much control." 2274 IF d2 = 2 THEN PRINT "You recognize some referee control as natural, within limits, on a 2." 2275 IF d2 = 3 THEN PRINT "On 3, you probably like the idea that the referee works to control the story." 2276 IF d2 = 4 THEN PRINT "4 suggests you would prefer to know in advance that someone is in control" 2278 IF d2 = 4 THEN PRINT TAB(5); "of events." 2280 INPUT "Press Enter to continue...."; z 2300 CLS 2301 PRINT "The third question posits an introductory scenario which leads to a" 2302 PRINT TAB(5); "dead player character at the beginning of play." 2303 PRINT " " 2310 PRINT "Narrativists wouldn't start applying the rules until the players" 2311 PRINT TAB(5); "take action, so this wouldn't happen." 2312 IF n3 = 0 THEN PRINT "0 says the rules should always apply even without player involvement." 2313 IF n3 = 1 THEN PRINT "A 1 indicates that you're reluctant to skip the rule, although bothered by" 2314 IF n3 = 1 THEN PRINT TAB(5); "the outcome." 2315 IF n3 = 2 THEN PRINT "You probably would prefer to ignore this outcome, but will live with it on 2." 2316 IF n3 = 3 THEN PRINT "On a strong 3 rating you probably would ignore the outcome." 2317 IF n3 = 4 THEN PRINT "You gave this a 4, so you probably never even checked the rule." 2320 PRINT "Gamists hate a situation in which they lose with no control, so want a way out." 2321 IF g3 = 0 THEN PRINT "The choice of 0 suggests that you don't mind losing so much." 2322 IF g3 = 1 THEN PRINT "A 1 rating suggests you see some unfairness here, but you'll accept it." 2323 IF g3 = 2 THEN PRINT "A 2 rating might mean that you don't like this, but don't see an alternative." 2324 IF g3 = 3 THEN PRINT "With a 3, you're a fighter, and look for ways to keep your character alive." 2325 IF g3 = 4 THEN PRINT "You rated this 4, insisting on control of your character's fate." 2330 PRINT "For the simulationist, it's not unfair if the player knew it could happen" 2331 PRINT TAB(5); "even if he could not avoid it." 2332 IF s3 = 0 THEN PRINT "Your 0 entry says you think it's unfair anyway." 2333 IF s3 = 1 THEN PRINT "A 1 suggests that you recognize it as technically fair but don't like it anyway." 2334 IF s3 = 2 THEN PRINT "With a 2 here, you probably see this as a valid but not preferred approach." 2336 IF s3 = 3 THEN PRINT "You give this 3, suggesting that you consider this normal play." 2337 IF s3 = 4 THEN PRINT "A 4 says people who complain when this happens are just whining." 2340 PRINT " " 2341 INPUT "To continue, press Enter...."; z 2350 PRINT "Only the fortune mechanic creates plot twists which surprise everyone." 2351 IF f3 = 0 THEN PRINT "A 0 rating suggests that you consider these quirks annoying and inappropriate." 2352 IF f3 = 1 THEN PRINT "A 1 here suggests that you accept these, but you don't like them." 2353 IF f3 = 2 THEN PRINT "On a 2 you likely take disappointments in stride without thought of" 2354 IF f3 = 2 THEN PRINT TAB(5); "alternatives." 2355 IF f3 = 3 THEN PRINT "3 suggests you consider random setbacks important to the game." 2356 IF f3 = 4 THEN PRINT "Rating this 4, you probably like the challenge of overcoming random setbacks." 2360 PRINT "Basing survival on an attribute is a karma-driven outcome." 2361 IF k3 = 0 THEN PRINT "Your 0 says relative strength should not have been an issue here." 2362 IF k3 = 1 THEN PRINT "You would hope strength would be a factor, but probably not decisive, voting 1." 2363 IF k3 = 2 THEN PRINT "Your 2 suggests that you would accept a karma mechanic as a fair alternative." 2364 IF k3 = 3 THEN PRINT "You gave this a 3, suggesting that you would prefer a karma-based outcome here." 2365 IF k3 = 4 THEN PRINT "At least in this situation, your 4 says it should be based directly on strength." 2370 PRINT "With drama systems major elements in the story are decided by people, sometimes" 2371 PRINT TAB(5); "democratically; and player characters usually don't die without agreement." 2372 IF d3 = 0 THEN PRINT "A 0 says you object to players having that kind of story control." 2373 IF d3 = 1 THEN PRINT "Your 1 here suggests that being in control of situations beyond character" 2374 IF d3 = 1 THEN PRINT TAB(5); "control would bother you." 2375 IF d3 = 2 THEN PRINT "A 2 suggests you might like to put control with the players, but fear abuse." 2376 IF d3 = 3 THEN PRINT "On a 3, you prefer to have player control of things beyond character control." 2377 IF d3 = 4 THEN PRINT "A 4 rating shows a strong desire to keep control of the story with the players." 2380 INPUT "Press Enter to continue...."; z 2400 CLS 2401 PRINT "In the fourth question, a player character is taken out of the action by a" 2402 PRINT TAB(5); "story point." 2403 PRINT " " 2410 PRINT "Gamists view the imprisonment as an obstacle to overcome, part of the challenge." 2412 IF g4 = 0 THEN PRINT "0 says such individual challenges don't interest you." 2413 IF g4 = 1 THEN PRINT "On 1, escaping seems a burden on the game." 2414 IF g4 = 2 THEN PRINT "A 2 suggests you would try to escape, but would prefer to do something else." 2415 IF g4 = 3 THEN PRINT "Your 3 says an escape attempt might be fun, if it doesn't take too long." 2416 IF g4 = 4 THEN PRINT "You gave this a 4, so this must sound like fun to you." 2420 PRINT "Playing the experience of the hardships of prison life is a simulationist" 2421 PRINT TAB(5); "interest." 2422 IF s4 = 0 THEN PRINT "The choice of 0 suggests you find this idea repellent." 2423 IF s4 = 1 THEN PRINT "A 1 rating says you have little or no such interest." 2424 IF s4 = 2 THEN PRINT "On a 2, you probably expect this part of the game, but don't pay much attention." 2425 IF s4 = 3 THEN PRINT "With a 3, this type of play is probably an interesting variation for you." 2426 IF s4 = 4 THEN PRINT "Your 4 rating says you like the different experiences simulated by role playing." 2430 PRINT "Narrativists don't want to be out of the story; but if imprisonment is part of" 2431 PRINT TAB(5); "the story and not just a time out, it can be a positive aspect." 2432 IF n4 = 0 THEN PRINT "Your 0 entry says you don't value such character interaction and development." 2433 IF n4 = 1 THEN PRINT "A 1 suggests that you would probably play this, but expect it to develop into" 2434 IF n4 = 1 THEN PRINT TAB(5); "something you can use later in the campaign." 2435 IF n4 = 2 THEN PRINT "With a 2 here, you'll go through the motions of this, waiting for the next part." 2436 IF n4 = 3 THEN PRINT "You give this 3, suggesting that you enjoy character interaction for itself." 2437 IF n4 = 4 THEN PRINT "A 4 says character interaction is a major part of your game enjoyment." 2440 PRINT " " 2441 INPUT "To continue, press Enter...."; z 2450 PRINT "Fortune mechanics usually require some kind of die roll before characters" 2451 PRINT TAB(5); "are thrown into negative situations." 2452 IF f4 = 0 THEN PRINT "A 0 rating says you deem such a roll unnecessary." 2453 IF f4 = 1 THEN PRINT "A 1 here suggests you might like a roll, but will play without it." 2454 IF f4 = 2 THEN PRINT "On a 2 you likely take other circumstances into consideration." 2455 IF f4 = 3 THEN PRINT "3 suggests you would feel railroaded if you didn't get to roll." 2456 IF f4 = 4 THEN PRINT "Rating this 4, you would insist on such a roll." 2460 PRINT "Cards which affect plot points are a popular drama mechanic, giving players" 2461 PRINT TAB(5); "limited control over major events." 2462 IF d4 = 0 THEN PRINT "Your 0 says you would feel like someone was cheating if such a power was used." 2463 IF d4 = 1 THEN PRINT "A 1 rating indicates that you probably wouldn't use such a power if you had it." 2464 IF d4 = 2 THEN PRINT "Your 2 suggests you like suggesting plot direction, but it's not vital to you." 2465 IF d4 = 3 THEN PRINT "A 3 says you want some plot control as a player." 2466 IF d4 = 4 THEN PRINT "A 4 indicates you think players should control the story above all else." 2470 PRINT "The direct comparison of individual character scores in contests is a basic" 2471 PRINT TAB(5); "Karma approach." 2472 IF k4 = 0 THEN PRINT "The notion of a direct check of ability received a 0 rating from you so" 2473 IF k4 = 0 THEN PRINT TAB(5); "you dislike karma." 2474 IF k4 = 1 THEN PRINT "Your 1 here suggests you expect some things to be directly based on ability." 2475 IF k4 = 2 THEN PRINT "A 2 suggests abilities matter to you, but shouldn't be strictly determinative." 2476 IF k4 = 3 THEN PRINT "On a 3, you would prefer for many tests of ability to be directly determined." 2477 IF k4 = 4 THEN PRINT "A 4 rating is a solid vote for a karma mechanic in comparative tests of" 2478 IF k4 = 4 THEN PRINT TAB(5); "ability." 2480 INPUT "Press Enter to continue...."; z 2500 CLS 2501 PRINT "Question five invites you to compare RPG's to aspects of other games and" 2502 PRINT TAB(5); "recreational activities." 2503 PRINT " " 2510 PRINT "Drama mechanics often favor articulate creativity such as in inventive" 2511 PRINT TAB(5); "bluffing games." 2512 IF d5 = 0 THEN PRINT "0 says you don't consider this an appropriate part of role playing games." 2513 IF d5 = 1 THEN PRINT "Your 1 says this is a very minor part of role play in your mind." 2514 IF d5 = 2 THEN PRINT "A 2 suggests you see value to being articulate, but only to a limited degree." 2515 IF d5 = 3 THEN PRINT "You think the ability to creatively describe events is a major part of play," 2516 IF d5 = 3 THEN PRINT TAB(5); "giving this a 3." 2517 IF d5 = 4 THEN PRINT "You gave this a 4, so articulate creative description is central to your gaming." 2520 PRINT "Karma-based systems encourage strategies which pit player strengths against" 2521 PRINT TAB(5); "discovered opponent weaknesses, like Stratego." 2522 IF k5 = 0 THEN PRINT "Such strategies don't interest you, indicated by a 0." 2523 IF k5 = 1 THEN PRINT "You don't care much for the strategic consideration of opponent strengths," 2524 IF k5 = 1 THEN PRINT TAB(5); "giving this a 1." 2525 IF k5 = 2 THEN PRINT "On a 2, you recognize such strategy as part of the game, but leave it to others." 2526 IF k5 = 3 THEN PRINT "With a 3, strategy plays an important part of play in your mind." 2527 IF k5 = 4 THEN PRINT "Your 4 rating says you'd like strategy to be key to success." 2530 PRINT "Dice luck is a critical part of success in Risk, and similar fortune mechanics" 2531 PRINT TAB(5); "play a role in many role playing games." 2532 IF f5 = 0 THEN PRINT "You would prefer to be rid of such chance factors, according to your 0 entry." 2533 IF f5 = 1 THEN PRINT "A 1 suggests chance factors bother you, but are still part of your expectations." 2535 IF f5 = 2 THEN PRINT "With a 2 here, you probably see dice as necessary but not central to play." 2536 IF f5 = 3 THEN PRINT "A 3 says your dice are central to your games." 2537 IF f5 = 4 THEN PRINT "With a 4, your games are very much driven by chance factors such as dice." 2540 PRINT " " 2541 INPUT "To continue, press Enter...."; z 2550 PRINT "Civil War reenactments, like many games, attempt to simulate another world." 2552 IF s5 = 0 THEN PRINT "A 0 rating suggests that detailing the world seems a waste of time to you." 2553 IF s5 = 1 THEN PRINT "A 1 here says that you're aware of the setting, but it doesn't matter to you." 2554 IF s5 = 2 THEN PRINT "On a 2 setting is a part of your game experience, but a very minor part." 2555 IF s5 = 3 THEN PRINT "3 suggests the feeling of the world matters, at least in broad strokes." 2556 IF s5 = 4 THEN PRINT "Rating this 4, you pay attention to the details of that simulation." 2560 PRINT "One of the models of narrativist play is improvisational acting." 2561 IF n5 = 0 THEN PRINT "You apparently consider this too far from the concept of a game, rating it 0." 2562 IF n5 = 1 THEN PRINT "A 1 rating indicates the interactive story process is a small part of your play." 2563 IF n5 = 2 THEN PRINT "Your 2 suggests you're aware of the story creation process, but it's not" 2564 IF n5 = 2 THEN PRINT TAB(5); "paramount." 2565 IF n5 = 3 THEN PRINT "A 3 says you often think of your role as similar to acting in some ways." 2566 IF n5 = 4 THEN PRINT "Your game is very much about such interactive narrative, rating this 4." 2570 PRINT "To the gamist, this is still primarily a game, and you should focus on winning." 2572 IF g5 = 0 THEN PRINT "But your 0 says that winning is the furthest thing from your mind." 2573 IF g5 = 1 THEN PRINT "Your 1 suggests that there are matters more important than victory here." 2575 IF g5 = 2 THEN PRINT "You would like to win, your 2 suggests, but it's not that important." 2576 IF g5 = 3 THEN PRINT "On a 3, you play to win, but you're here to have fun." 2577 IF g5 = 4 THEN PRINT "You gave this a 4; you are a very competitive player." 2580 INPUT "Press Enter to continue...."; z 2600 CLS 2601 PRINT "With question six, we're asking how you view a game obstacle." 2603 PRINT " " 2610 PRINT "Absolute certainty that you can jump so far is consistent with a karma system." 2611 IF k6 = 0 THEN PRINT "0 says nothing should ever be certain, that failure is always possible." 2612 IF k6 = 1 THEN PRINT "With a 1, you expect that some things should be automatic, but this might or" 2613 IF k6 = 1 THEN PRINT TAB(5); "might not be one of them." 2614 IF k6 = 2 THEN PRINT "A 2 suggests you have a fairly broad concept of what should be automatic." 2615 IF k6 = 3 THEN PRINT "The idea that many successes should be determined directly from character scores" 2616 IF k6 = 3 THEN PRINT TAB(5); "is strong in your approach to play to rate a 3." 2617 IF k6 = 4 THEN PRINT "You gave this a 4, so you would probably solve most problems directly from" 2618 IF k6 = 4 THEN PRINT TAB(5); "character skill ratings and ability scores." 2620 PRINT "Many drama systems expect players to explain why their character can succeed." 2621 IF d6 = 0 THEN PRINT "This would annoy you, your 0 suggests; it would seem like you were arguing for" 2622 IF d6 = 0 THEN PRINT TAB(5); "a specific result." 2623 IF d6 = 1 THEN PRINT "A 1 says you might do this if you thought you should have succeeded but didn't." 2624 IF d6 = 2 THEN PRINT "On a 2, you probably do this, but more for story color than outcome resolution." 2625 IF d6 = 3 THEN PRINT "With a 3, you consider it a normal part of play to explain why your character" 2626 IF d6 = 3 THEN PRINT TAB(5); "should succeed in some situation." 2627 IF d6 = 4 THEN PRINT "Presenting a reason why you should succeed seems the best way to resolve most" 2628 IF d6 = 4 THEN PRINT TAB(5); "situations, so you gave this a 4." 2630 PRINT "Fortune mechanics almost always present a chance of failure, which leaves some" 2631 PRINT TAB(5); "room for the unexpected even in seemingly simple situations." 2632 IF f6 = 0 THEN PRINT "You would consider it the height of injustice to miss this jump because of a die" 2633 IF f6 = 0 THEN PRINT TAB(5); "roll on your 0 rating." 2634 IF f6 = 1 THEN PRINT "While you see the possibility of failure here, your 1 says you don't like it." 2635 IF f6 = 2 THEN PRINT "With a 2 here, you're resigned to the possibility the dice could roll badly." 2636 IF f6 = 3 THEN PRINT "A 3 says that chance of failure is important to the tension in your games." 2637 IF f6 = 4 THEN PRINT "With a 4, death by misadventure from a bad die roll is considered fair and even" 2638 IF f6 = 4 THEN PRINT TAB(5); "right if it happens in this situation." 2640 PRINT " " 2641 INPUT "To continue, press Enter...."; z 2650 PRINT "Some players think about the world description only as the setting for events." 2651 PRINT TAB(5); "A chasm is what it appears to be, part of the simulation of the scene." 2652 IF s6 = 0 THEN PRINT "A 0 rating says nothing in the game world is just part of the scene." 2653 IF s6 = 1 THEN PRINT "A 1 here says you're aware of its place in the scene, but that's not important." 2654 IF s6 = 2 THEN PRINT "On a 2 you can visualize the scene and the chasm matters, but there's probably" 2655 IF s6 = 2 THEN PRINT TAB(5); "more to it than that." 2656 IF s6 = 3 THEN PRINT "3 suggests that this is primarily part of the scene, although it might be" 2657 IF s6 = 3 THEN PRINT TAB(5); "something else as well." 2658 IF s6 = 4 THEN PRINT "Rating this 4, you think of this as part of the scene above all else." 2660 PRINT "To the gamist, the terrain feature is a problem to overcome above all else." 2661 IF g6 = 0 THEN PRINT "Playing like the whole thing is a puzzle or contest bothers you; you said 0." 2662 IF g6 = 1 THEN PRINT "Your 1 says part of you knows that this is a challenge to overcome, but" 2663 IF g6 = 1 THEN PRINT TAB(5); "you don't think of it that way." 2664 IF g6 = 2 THEN PRINT "Your 2 suggests you know the game is built of challenges, but it goes beyond" 2665 IF g6 = 2 THEN PRINT TAB(5); "this." 2666 IF g6 = 3 THEN PRINT "A 3 says your game is a series of challenges within the context of role playing." 2667 IF g6 = 4 THEN PRINT "Some might say that you see role playing as the thread that connects the" 2668 IF g6 = 4 THEN PRINT TAB(5); "challenges of the game, since you said 4." 2670 PRINT "To the narrativist, the terrain is a story element, and the chasm creates drama." 2671 IF n6 = 0 THEN PRINT "Talk about such things as story element probably annoys you, so you said 0." 2672 IF n6 = 1 THEN PRINT "Your 1 suggests you see the dramatic tension here, but don't usually think in" 2673 IF n6 = 1 THEN PRINT TAB(5); "those terms." 2674 IF n6 = 2 THEN PRINT "The story matters to you, including these elements, but you don't see it that" 2675 IF n6 = 2 THEN PRINT TAB(5); "way during play so you said 2." 2676 IF n6 = 3 THEN PRINT "On a 3, you see the story unfolding and the chasm as part of that." 2677 IF n6 = 4 THEN PRINT "You are probably very much aware of events and settings as story elements," 2678 IF n6 = 4 THEN PRINT TAB(5); "rating this 4." 2680 INPUT "Press Enter to continue...."; z 2998 IF h = 3 GOTO 3999 2999 GOTO 4680 3000 REM Results described 3001 r$ = "You are averse to this aspect of gaming." 3002 IF x > 5 THEN r$ = "You are somewhat antipathetic toward this aspect of gaming." 3003 IF x > 9 THEN r$ = "You are somewhat indifferent to this aspect of gaming." 3004 IF x > 14 THEN r$ = "You have a preference for this aspect of gaming." 3005 IF x > 18 THEN r$ = "You have a very strong preference for this aspect of gaming." 3006 RETURN 3999 INPUT "Press enter to continue...."; z 4000 REM concept by concept analysis 4001 CLS 4010 PRINT "The concept analyses will be presented with gamer goals first, game" 4011 PRINT TAB(5); "mechanics second; within each paradigm, the concepts will be examined" 4012 PRINT TAB(5); "alphabetically. That is, scores will be examined in the order Gamist," 4013 PRINT TAB(5); "Narrativist, Simulationist, then Drama, Fortune, Karma." 4014 INPUT "Press enter to continue...."; z 4100 CLS 4101 PRINT "The Gamist has winning as an objective; he is trying to beat the game. He" 4102 PRINT TAB(5); "probably enjoys computer role playing and combat games, puzzles, and board" 4103 PRINT TAB(5); "games, and possibly competitive sports." 4110 PRINT "Question 1C addresses how important it is to get the chance to face the villain" 4111 PRINT TAB(5); "in one final challenge. You rated this "; g1 4120 PRINT "Question 2C asks to what degree game mechanics are tools to be used tactically." 4121 PRINT TAB(5); "You rated this "; g2 4130 PRINT "Question 3B addresses whether a player should always have some chance to" 4131 PRINT TAB(5); "save his character. You rated this "; g3 4140 PRINT "In question 4A, you are offered the opportunity to think of a setback as" 4141 PRINT TAB(5); "a challenge. You rated this "; g4 4150 PRINT "The degree to which role playing games are competitive is addressed by" 4151 PRINT TAB(5); "question 5F. You rated this "; g5 4160 PRINT "Question 6E looks at setting and story events as puzzles or challenges." 4161 PRINT TAB(5); "You said that the degree to which you did this would be rated "; g6 4170 PRINT "Your overall Gamist rating is "; g 4171 x = g: GOSUB 3000 4172 PRINT r$ 4180 INPUT "Press enter to continue...."; z 4200 CLS 4201 PRINT "A Narrativist is building a story. Whatever makes the best story is what he" 4202 PRINT TAB(5); "wants to have happen. He probably likes to create game worlds and write" 4203 PRINT TAB(5); "stories, and to watch movies and plays." 4210 PRINT "Question 1A addresses the importance of climax in the story, indicated" 4213 PRINT TAB(5); "in your rating this "; n1 4220 PRINT "Question 2A gives you the power to streamline mechanics during combat in order" 4221 PRINT TAB(5); "to enhance story flow. You rated this "; n2 4230 PRINT "In question 3A, game play is distinguished from plot exposition in the" 4231 PRINT TAB(5); "story creation process. You rated this "; n3 4240 PRINT "Question 4C asks whether character interaction and development are" 4242 PRINT TAB(5); "interesting alternatives to action, and you rated this "; n4 4250 PRINT "The degree to which role playing is interactive story creation is addressed" 4251 PRINT TAB(5); "by question 5E. You rated this "; n5 4260 PRINT "Question 6E looks at setting elements as plot devices. You said that the" 4261 PRINT TAB(5); "degree to which you did this would be rated "; n6 4270 PRINT "Your overall Narrativist rating is "; n 4271 x = n: GOSUB 3000 4272 PRINT r$ 4280 INPUT "Press enter to continue...."; z 4300 CLS 4301 PRINT "A Simulationist is experiencing a new world. He has asked 'what if', and" 4302 PRINT TAB(5); "wants the game to give him a true answer. He probably likes science" 4303 PRINT TAB(5); "fiction, history, biographies, museums and battlefields, and other" 4304 PRINT TAB(5); "opportunities to learn." 4310 PRINT "Question 1B measures the degree to which events must be realistic within the" 4311 PRINT TAB(5); "stated world definitions. You rated this "; s1 4320 PRINT "Question 2B reflects the degree to which you expect the mechanics of combat to" 4321 PRINT TAB(5); "produce a fair and true outcome. You rated this "; s2 4330 PRINT "In question 3C, you are asked whether the application of a rule should" 4331 PRINT TAB(5); "hold because it is a rule, even without player involvement. You rated this" 4332 PRINT TAB(5); s3 4340 PRINT "How realistic and detailed you expect settings and events to be is addressed" 4341 PRINT TAB(5); "in question 4B. You rated this "; s4 4350 PRINT "Question 5D presents the idea of role playing purely for creation of a known" 4351 PRINT TAB(5); "story, very like scripted acting. You rated your interest in this "; s5 4360 PRINT "Question 6D sees the setting primarily as representative of a reality." 4361 PRINT TAB(5); "To you, this earned a rating of "; s6 4370 PRINT "Your overall Simulationist rating is "; s 4371 x = s: GOSUB 3000 4372 PRINT r$ 4380 INPUT "Press enter to continue...."; z 4400 CLS 4401 PRINT "Drama mechanics use the decisions of people to control the outcome of" 4402 PRINT TAB(5); "events. Outside of role playing games, they are most common in games" 4403 PRINT TAB(5); "in which players or judges vote on or otherwise choose winners." 4410 PRINT "Although drastic, question 1F asks whether game events should be affected" 4411 PRINT TAB(5); "by player concerns. You rated this "; d1 4420 PRINT "Question 2F reflects the degree to which you expect the referee to control" 4421 PRINT TAB(5); "events. You rated this "; d2 4430 PRINT "Question 3F allows democratic resolution of events. You rated this "; d3 4440 PRINT "Cards which allow players to alter situations or plots are a popular drama" 4441 PRINT TAB(5); "mechanic. Question 4E asks whether you would want such an option, and you" 4442 PRINT TAB(5); "rated it "; d4 4450 PRINT "To some degree, drama mechanics rely on being creative, articulate, and" 4451 PRINT TAB(5); "convincing, like the games mentioned in question 5A. You rated the value" 4452 PRINT TAB(5); "of these traits to gaming "; d5 4460 PRINT "Many drama systems let the referee decide the outcome based on the evidence" 4461 PRINT TAB(5); "presented by the player, as in question 6B. You reacted to this approach" 4462 PRINT TAB(5); "with a rating of "; d6 4470 PRINT "Your overall Drama mechanics rating is "; d 4471 x = d: GOSUB 3000 4472 PRINT r$ 4480 INPUT "Press enter to continue...."; z 4500 CLS 4501 PRINT "Fortune mechanics use dice or cards to inject an element of" 4502 PRINT TAB(5); "uncertainty into outcomes. They are most like gambling games, but are" 4503 PRINT TAB(5); "part of most board and card games." 4510 PRINT "Question 1D asks whether you would forgive the dice for an" 4511 PRINT TAB(5); "unrealistically good outcome. You rated this "; f1 4520 PRINT "Whether you want an element of chance in your ultimate combat is reflected" 4521 PRINT TAB(5); "in question 2E. You rated this "; f2 4530 PRINT "Question 3D asks whether you would forgive the dice for an" 4531 PRINT TAB(5); "unexpectedly bad outcome. You rated this "; f3 4540 PRINT "The degree to which you would want a random factor to be able to derail" 4541 PRINT TAB(5); "an undesired plot or event was addressed rated by question 4D. You rated" 4542 PRINT TAB(5); "this "; f4 4550 PRINT "With fortune mechanics, the fight is not always to the strong; as with" 4551 PRINT TAB(5); "combat games like Risk, the dice can bring defeat from victory, examined" 4552 PRINT TAB(5); "in question 5C. The degree to which this is part of your concept of" 4553 PRINT TAB(5); "gaming is rated "; f5 4560 PRINT "The expectation that there's always a chance of failure is inherent in fortune" 4561 PRINT TAB(5); "mechanics, as seen in question 6C. The degree to which you accept this as" 4562 PRINT TAB(5); "part of play was rated"; f6 4570 PRINT "Your overall Fortune mechanics rating is "; f 4571 x = f: GOSUB 3000 4572 PRINT r$ 4580 INPUT "Press enter to continue...."; z 4600 CLS 4601 PRINT "With Karma mechanics, the best man always wins. These mechanics reflect" 4602 PRINT TAB(5); "the degree to which strength and strategy determine outcomes. They" 4603 PRINT TAB(5); "are basis for chess and other strategy games and for individual" 4604 PRINT TAB(5); "competitive sports." 4610 PRINT "Question 1E allows you to rate the degree to which character ability should" 4611 PRINT TAB(5); "allow otherwise unrealistic results, and you said "; k1 4620 PRINT "The degree to which you think the fight should be to the strong is measured" 4621 PRINT TAB(5); "by question 2D. You rated this "; k2 4630 PRINT "In question 3E it is suggested that the weak should die and the strong" 4631 PRINT TAB(5); "survive in adverse conditions. The degree to which you agree with this" 4632 PRINT TAB(5); "you rated "; k3 4640 PRINT "Comparing individual scores to determine the outcome of a contest is central" 4641 PRINT TAB(5); "to karma mechanics, as in 4F. Your tendency toward this idea was rated " 4642 PRINT TAB(5); k4 4650 PRINT "Under karma mechanics, strategy and tactics such as in the games in question" 4651 PRINT TAB(5); "5B become very important, as it is necessary to outmaneuver or outwit a" 4652 PRINT TAB(5); "superior opponent to win. The degree to which this is part of your concept" 4653 PRINT TAB(5); "of gaming is rated "; k5 4660 PRINT "Getting a yes or no answer to the success of a skill or feat before" 4661 PRINT TAB(5); "attempting it is only possible with karma mechanics. You rated this"; k6 4670 PRINT "Your overall Karma mechanics rating is "; k 4671 x = k: GOSUB 3000 4672 PRINT r$ 4680 GOSUB 5600 4690 INPUT "Press enter to conclude...."; z 4700 CLS 4701 PRINT "Thank you for trying this gamer quiz. The author is interested in the" 4702 PRINT TAB(5); "results you've obtained. You may contact him at referee@mjyoung.net." 4703 PRINT " " 4710 PRINT "The author would also like to thank many of those who contributed through" 4711 PRINT TAB(5); "the Gaming Outpost forums and articles to his understanding of these" 4712 PRINT TAB(5); "concepts and to the questions used to approach them. Of particular" 4713 PRINT TAB(5); "mention should be Sorcerer (http://www.sorcerer-rpg.com/) author" 4714 PRINT TAB(5); "and narrativist Ron Edwards, whose exposition of these concepts in" 4715 PRINT TAB(5); "the article 'System Does Matter' is invaluable; Scarlet Jester, whose" 4716 PRINT TAB(5); "defense of games which avoid fortune mechanics is enlightening;" 4717 PRINT TAB(5); "Seth Ben-Ezra of Dark Omen Games (http://darkomengames.bizland.com/)," 4718 PRINT TAB(5); "who devised part of question 1; avowed simulationist Balbinus; avowed " 4719 PRINT TAB(5); "gamist Lugzan; Hunter Logan, Jared Sorenson, JohnB, and too many others" 4720 PRINT TAB(5); "to name." 4721 PRINT " " 4722 PRINT "You are also invited to try Multiverser: The Game, the role playing game" 4723 PRINT TAB(5); "designed for flexibility, in which all worlds are possible and many" 4724 PRINT TAB(5); "styles of play are supported, of which the author of this quiz is co-author:" 4725 PRINT "http://www.multiverser.com/" 4726 PRINT "Or read more of the works of M. Joseph Young at" 4727 PRINT TAB(5); "http://www.mjyoung.net/" 4730 END 5000 REM print screens from 390 5005 INPUT "Press enter to contine...."; z 5010 CLS 5011 PRINT "It should be understood that most games blend more than one goal and more than" 5012 PRINT TAB(5); "one mechanic, and most players do so as well. The outcome should" 5013 PRINT TAB(5); "indicate the degree to which you as an individual favor one aspect of" 5014 PRINT TAB(5); "play or another, but most players will find they are indifferent" 5015 PRINT TAB(5); "in several areas, indicating that they probably accept and appreciate" 5016 PRINT TAB(5); "those aspects, although they favor others." 5017 RETURN 5600 REM print screens from 4680 5610 INPUT "Press enter to continue...."; z 5611 PRINT "There are three caveats which should be mentioned in relation to these" 5612 PRINT TAB(5); "results." 5613 PRINT " " 5614 PRINT "The first is that the questions mix strong and weak aspects of all six models" 5615 PRINT TAB(5); "of gaming. Few people are completely in favor of extreme concepts of" 5616 PRINT TAB(5); "any of these or completely against mild concepts. Consequently" 5617 PRINT TAB(5); "moderate and even low scores may reflect favoring a mild form of a" 5618 PRINT TAB(5); "particular concept and a rejection of extreme applications." 5619 PRINT " " 5620 PRINT "The second is that each model has been represented by six distinct concepts" 5621 PRINT TAB(5); "within it. A player who strongly favors one concept might score very" 5622 PRINT TAB(5); "poorly on the model even though in one sense he prefers games within that" 5623 PRINT TAB(5); "model. For example, in the drama mechanic, only question 2F addresses" 5624 PRINT TAB(5); "'Referee Fiat', the basic tool of drama in which the referee controls all" 5625 PRINT TAB(5); "outcomes. A player who prefers a game in which all outcomes are so" 5626 PRINT TAB(5); "determined might rate low on all other drama tools--real life affecting" 5627 PRINT TAB(5); "game events, democratic resolution, plot cards, creative expression," 5628 PRINT TAB(5); "player argument for success. Such a player wants a drama-based game," 5629 PRINT TAB(5); "but will score poorly here because his interest is very narrowly in" 5630 PRINT TAB(5); "in one aspect of drama." 5631 PRINT " " 5632 INPUT "Press enter to continue...."; z 5642 PRINT "The third has already been mentioned. The first question poses a problem" 5643 PRINT TAB(5); "which will skew results between goals and mechanics. A player who" 5644 PRINT TAB(5); "finds that situation positive will score lower on goals and higher on" 5645 PRINT TAB(5); "mechanics overall. At this point it is thought that this is a valuable" 5646 PRINT TAB(5); "aspect of the question, as it helps distinguish whether mechanics or" 5647 PRINT TAB(5); "goals are more important to the player's ideal of gaming." 5650 RETURN