First Edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons™ Character Creation
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Kensai Weapon Proficiencies
  The Kensai is fighter in some ways more akin to a cavalier, except that he is not at all cavalry.  He is the ultimate weapon specialist, selecting one melee weapon, martial arts style, or (under MyWorld rules) body part to which to dedicate himself completely.  He seeks to master this one form of combat ultimately and completely, such that there is no way in which it can be used which he has not thoroughly studied.

  This creates other restrictions on the character related to weapons and armor.  Most notably, the character may not wear any form of armor whatsoever, as his combat abilities are only truly tested by his ability to fight unprotected.  Furthermore, he may not use a magic weapon of any type within his dedication.  Although the rules for this are not always clear, a reasonable clarification is suggested in M. J. Young's Dungeons & Dragons Materials, Special Rules, Kensai Dedication and Associated Rules.

  Also of significance, the character is severely restricted in which weapons can be used beyond that covered by his dedication.  A character receives no experience for any encounter in which he uses or relies on a weapon outside his dedication.  Thus, a missile weapon, a backup weapon, a concealable weapon--these all become weapons of resort, those relied on in an emergency in which the life of the character is so severely threatened that he must fall back on some other attack form.  It is permitted that a kensai may use his dedicated weapon in one hand, and another weapon in the other.  However, this cannot be done until level seven, so it is of no consequence when creating the character.  Also, a character dedicated to a specific weapon receives so many bonuses with that weapon that it makes more sense to use two of that weapon, one in each hand, rather than use a different weapon in the off-hand.

  It is different for a kensai dedicated to a martial arts style.  If the style includes the use of any weapons (highly recommended), the kensai will include learning every weapon which can be used as part of his mastery of the style (and will probably not waste his time on weapons not included in the style).  Under the MyWorld rules, weapon-oriented styles have been adapted (usually by kensai and monks) to include every martial-arts weapon.  Other styles are usually limited to one or two weapons.  The use of these weapons is considered part of the dedication.

  It is different again for kensai dedicated to a body part, the hand or foot.  Not all DM's allow dedication to a body part.  Such a character attempts to master every martial arts form which uses that body part (all strike styles for hands, all kick styles for feet, plus all styles which use strike or kick maneuvers), but will not use weapons except as permitted in a style in which he is primarily using his body part for attacks.  Some DM's permit a character trained in weaponless combat to use gloves or tabi as protection when attacking creatures who cause damage by contact (creatures of flame, for example) with no penalty to the attacks.

  So a kensai will select his dedication first of all, and choose weapons based on that.  Note that there is no penalty for learning or using a ninja weapon which is within the dedication, but the use of such a weapon outside the dedication will result in penalties to the character's honor.

  The weapons used by the kensai include these.  As with any fighter, he may learn weapons which are not from his own milieu; however, since such weapons will not be known to him before the game begins, he will need special approval of the DM to use such a weapon as his dedication.

Oriental Melee Weapons Martial Arts Weapons Oriental Missile Weapons Non-oriental Weapons
Battle Axe Bo Stick Blowpipe Aklys
Hand or Throwing Axe Chain Short Bow Atlatl
Boku-toh Fang Short Composite Bow Bardiche
Chijiriki Gunsen Chu-ko-nu Bec de Corbin
Club Jitte Heavy Crossbow Bill-guisarme
Dagger Jo Stick Light Crossbow Long Bow
Halberd Kau Sin Ke Daikyu Long Composite Bow
Javelin Kiseru Dart Hand Crossbow
Kama Lajatang Eggshell Grenade (Ninja) Fauchard
Katana Nunchaku Hankyu (Ninja) Fauchard-fork
Kawanaga Sai Lasso Footman's Flail
Knife Sang Kauw Metsubishi (Ninja) Horseman's Flail
Kumade (Ninja) Shakujo-yari Needle (Ninja) Military Fork
Kusari-gama (Ninja) Shikomi-zue (Ninja) Pellet Bow Garrotte
Kyoketsu-shogi (Ninja) Siangkam Shaken (Ninja) Glaive
Light Lance Tetsubo Shuriken (Ninja) Glaive-guisarme
Oriental Mace Three-piece Rod Sling Guisarme
Man Catcher Tui-fa (Ton-fa) Staff Sling Guisarme-voulge
Nagimaki Lucerne Hammer
Naginata Hammer
Nekode (Ninja) Harpoon
Ninja-to (Ninja) Hook Fauchard
Parang Heavy Lance
Sode Garami Medium Lance
Spear Footman's Mace
Broad Sword Horseman's Mace
Long Sword Morningstar
Short Sword Partisan
Two-handed Sword Footman's Military Pick
Trident Horseman's Military Pick
Uchi-ne Awl Pike
Wakizashi Ranseur
Whip Sap
Khopesh Sword
Bastard Sword
Falchion Sword
  Tetsu-bishi (oriental caltrops) are only used by ninja; and since they are neither melee nor martial arts weapons, they cannot be included in a Kensai dedication, and the use thereof would be dishonorable.

Return to Step 10 at the proficiencies count for the Kensai.

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The site which inspired this site....

M. J. Young's Dungeons & Dragons Materials
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